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I am late, which I shouldn't be, but I am enjoying it, the thrill of what I am about to feel, for doing something I am not supposed to

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I am late, which I shouldn't be, but I am enjoying it, the thrill of what I am about to feel, for doing something I am not supposed to.

The doors spread wide open welcoming my arrival, not exactly 'welcoming my arrival', but allowing the guest to enter.
I am not a guest here, but I am late. Late to the party I personally organised, as to celebrate the recent project's success.

I walk towards the familiar faces; my parents, who offered me a sweet and warm smile.

Faizan Kashif and Ismat Faizan, a hardworking and successful couple, in business alongside their relation. Self made billionaires who risked everything to follow their passion and interest.

I greeted them with a simple smile and looked around.
'Not as late as I expected, and guess no one noticed my timing'' I thought
"Everything looks perfect, simple and elegant" mother compliments the decorations and arrangements. I nodded in response and was about to say something when I felt a hand around my shoulder. "You are late" whispered the person. Seeing my elder brother; Aziz Faizan, I gave him an ear to ear smile.
Aziz, just like his name. A supportive and kind brother who has a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter.
"Keep it a secret" I said indicating our parents who were busy looking around. We excused ourselves and took part in conversing with our colleagues and collaborators.

After a few minutes.

'I am so done with this evening, if my parents don't end this party now, I would be done for good. Firstly, it is so hard to react and smile to the people I am unknown to. Secondly, I am not in any need to know these people, it's not like my life and emotions depend on them. Thirdly, where in the name of heavens is my brother? He should be here to pull me out of this unnecessary conversation.'
Eyeing around, I find him looking at me with a smug face.
Like in heaven, he owes me one.
After being on edge for a whole 20 minutes I was finally able to get out of the environment of people and their talks.

This is what I have always been doing, entering a party, greeting my family and collaborators, being pulled in conversations, to which I can't turn my back, as I believe it is rude to do so. After spending utmost an hour or so wandering around the venue, I find myself back home, scribbling sense less sentences on the papers of my dear book.
Such a stressfully amazing life I have.
Applause and hurray!


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I entered the venue of the party held to celebrate the recent project's success of my good friend and business partner, Zaid Ahmed. Looking around I find the decorations simple and pleasing, just enough to spread warmth and remind of the coldness. Can't expect less from the company which specializes in interior designing and trade. Most of the parties I attend are very bright and irritating to the eyes, but this gave a different vibe.
I walk towards my friend and congratulate him. This deal is going to help him advance.

The Faizan's have a unique way of dealing with almost everything, or so does the words say.

Mr and Mrs Faizan have a good experience in business and their son Aziz Faizan, the CEO has good leadership and decisions making skills.
But according to the rumours there is another person who takes part in decision making along with the executives. Not sure about their position in the company, but they have a lot of influence within the company, on their shareholders and collaborators.

Zaid introduces me to the Faizan's. Must say that, Mr Faizan has a good eye for people. Years of experience leads to this. I greet them and indulge in conversation. Mr. Aziz does seem to be young and intelligent with an intention to have a successful company or so is what I figured by having a talk with him.

Not going to lie, I was kind of curious about the person but I couldn't meet them. It is not easy to have control over the company and its affairs when you are not the CEO, President or the Vice President.

The Faizans are careful with their words, sharp at point yet indulging sentences.
To survive in the field of business, a person must be careful, and intelligent enough to make their decisions right. This was the first lesson my father thought me as a teenager.

After a while I excused myself and returned to my place, I have files to read and documents to sign.
I do have an intention for collaborating with the Faizan's but before that I need to know everything about them, everything and anything, enough to either give security to the collaboration or confidence in them. I let my people deal with the information and their resources.

At his place

I was welcomed by nothing but darkness. Living alone gives silence and loneliness, only if you don't have anything to keep your mind running on. In my case, I appreciate silence and never am lonely as long as I work. My work has my life wrapped around it. It's good to be alone and not feel lonely.

My parents, Faris Emraan and Rabia Emraan, a second generation businessman and an elite lawyer (from the family of lawyers) had an arranged marriage, not full of love but cooperation and respect.
Afreen Emraan and Farhan Emraan, my siblings are quite troublesome and annoying, along with being intelligent and good in their field of knowledge and interests.
Afreen is our legal advisor, who takes care of the lawsuits for our company and Farhan, who is interested in the field of technology and handles everything related to it for us.
P.S. Our company's interest is mostly construction but sometimes manufacturing as well.

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