His 'non existing' Work

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The day we arrivedEvening

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The day we arrived

She has long hairs. Looking at her tieing them was something new. It was beautiful. Sexy? Maybe.
One hour later, everyone was kind of scared and tensed. "Ata, what did you make?" Nuha asked taking her seat. "I am not sure what to call it" she replied with a chuckle. And there it was, tension more like nervousness in the room. Aziza's face told us everything. Either Ata doesn't know to cook or Aziza has never tasted it. Neither has Zoya Didi, Zahra or Aziz. Not sure about Sara though, she was composed. So was she, Ata. No nervousness, no doubt, nothing. She served everyone and was about to do it for herself but couldn't. Her phone rang. Bad timing. Horribly bad.
"You should eat. If it is not good then eat in silence otherwise eat silently." She excused herself with an grin.
And the food was good. Real good. But I couldn't eat properly.
My eyes diverted to the empty seat next to me, which remained empty throughout the dinner.

"If you want, I can learn how to cook for you. I only know the basics." My idiot brother was flirting with her cousin. God! What am I supposed to do with him? 'What will Sara do to him?' is what I should be scared of.


"Working?" She asked hesitantly. "Almost done." Everyone was gone. I have been typing on my laptop for the past two hours. And I didn't even realise it.
She had set the table till I completed the (non existing) work. And was looking at me. "I am hungry" obviously you are, after skipping lunch. "Join me. Please." Don't do that. Don't stare at me like that. "You can't say no." I didn't even say anything.
We completed the dinner embracing silence. I was texting my P.A when she said "Was it your first meal with a girl except for business?" "Why do you ask?"
"I was just confirming. You didn't compliment my cooking." she stood up and so did I. "Well, the food was good. you are a good cook, better than Afreen."
She was laughing looking at me. I noticed the way her eyes wrinkled, and her hand slowly looking for something to hold on. I forwarded myself to her and she held my shoulder for support. She didn't seem to be able to control and I didn't seem to be able to turn my eyes away from her.
"What's wrong? " "How would I know what's wrong with you?" She was confused. "I just complimented you and you laughed." "I thought there was something on my face. And about that, you don't have to compliment. I am not exactly the chef person. And I know that you can cook better than me, Mr. Danish Emraan." There was a hint of teasing in her eyes. "Do you want me to cook for you, Ms. Ata Kashif?" I closed up to her until there were mere inches between us. "That. You will very soon." Her smile. This is the first time I am observing it from this close. And it is killing. "I like your confidence." "I love how confident you make me feel." Silence. The silence was enough for me to realise the rhythm of my heart beat, the masked nervousness in her eyes and lastly the dangerously close distance between us. She is controlling me and I am subconsciously willing to be controlled. By her.
Her tone and her words along with her expressions are manipulating my response. And I am subconsciously willing to be manipulated by her. The damn ring of her phone awkwardly broke us. And What the hell was I thinking to do?
"I am busy." She said and cut the call immediately.

"Cold drink?"


He kept staring at me rather than saying a word or two

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He kept staring at me rather than saying a word or two. When we stood next to each other, both lost under the starry night and the complementary moon, the wind softly blew against us, reminding of the coldness, which we never felt.
Honestly, I panicked, like who wouldn't? If you find a heavenly looking man staring at you, that too under the 'heaven's face'
I didn't know how to return his gesture, should I have stared back? No, I couldn't bring myself to do that, nor could I avoid his intense stare, when it was so tempting.
I composed myself as much as I could. And we sat on the roof top with the soda cans and ice cream box between us. "What would be your reaction if I tell you that I have murdered a person." "He must have deserved it, not unless you are a psychopath who kills people for fun." He was serious, not joking. "That might be, or I might have killed them because they teased me" I had a proud grin after he said "then, am I allowed to tease you?" "Oh I don't know, maybe I can make you an exception." We clink the cans and chuckle.
"I'm a greedy person, I need everything I want. And I desire almost everything. Are you sure about us?" I was looking at him with a straight face. "That, I don't know, maybe I can make you an exception." His voice was normal, no hint of teasing or hesitance. I loved it. I seriously did. Both his response and his sight in front of me.


One random ceremony

I noticed his eyes. Soft and warm.
Was he watching me all this time?
He looked adoring. Well he was Mr. Adoring but that didn't stop me from doing the same. I tried but failed. I am not so good at it. I couldn't smile the way he did.
I couldn't express those emotions in my eyes like he does, with shine and warmth and comfort. Even if i give it my all, I am not sure if I can have that shine.
His light yellow kurta perfectly twinned with my dress.
"Ata, Momma bula rahi hain." (Ata, Momma is calling you) "Ji aayi." Masi had to call during the worst possible moment. Just like yesterday.

The evening before
Our family members had arrived by the late afternoon. They were tired and decided to rest. I utilised the time to recheck the arrangements along with the wedding planner. By the time I was done everyone was up in the living room. Talking, laughing, creating memories. Nuha and Rayan held the cameras I gave them in the morning, clicking random pics. In the kitchen my dear sister Aziza was doing something, boiling water? And "Aziza, step back" the water fell thankfully not on her. She started laughing. Mother and Mrs Afsan came in concerned and scolded her for either doing the work or not doing the work properly. I couldn't figure it out. I quickly excused myself to my room.
Bitch, it's burning like a bitch. Seems like the water fell on my hand.

The cold water ran down the burn continuously, giving a sense of relief from the pain. Knock knock. I forgot to lock the door. "Yes come in." I peeped through the bathroom door and saw him. In his not so formal clothes. Why now? Coming here looking so edible? "Danish. Please lock the door." He did. It's burning. I couldn't hold it and again went to the bathroom. "What's wrong?" "Nothing just water fell on my hand." He stood near the door and was not particularly satisfied with the answer. "Hot water" I mumbled. "Let me call Sara." "Oh don't. She's busy and it's not even a first degree burn." I happen to have a lot of experience with burns so not a big deal. "You say this is not a first degree burn." He was in and behind me, holding my hand under the running water. "Danish, it's fine." And Knock knock. I freaked out. Not a good situation. Not at all. "Yes" "Ata, they are calling you down" It was Nuha and Rayan. "I will be there." "Ata beta. Come fast they are calling for 20 minutes now." Shoot it was Masi. "Ji Masi. You go I will come." I was holding his arm and his other hand was holding mine.

'The Replacement chef'
Which is basically the story of
Aziza Faizan
Yasir Afsan.

Academic Rivalry
Haters to Lovers
Brother's Bestfriend
Childhood Rivalry
He fell First


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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