[ volume one, chapter five: drum practice ]

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tw for vulgarity, suggestive content — sorry if this is a little short.. all the stuff ive been writing has been fairly short recently ^_^

Microphone and Soap had finally recovered. What better to do than have a jam session together?

"One, two, three!"

The sound of sticks crashing against symbols echoed throughout the house, as Soap watched her friend play on the drums — in such a skillful manner, the noise making her stomach vibrate with each hit. The noises were loud, and would probably cause complaints, but who cares. Microphone was technically just showing off to impress Soap, but she didn't need to know that yet. She got into the music — the beat running through her ears, invading her space.

"Wow, Mic — you're really good!" Her hands clapped with delight, stars appearing into her blue eyes — she was very impressed, as you can tell. Which satisfied Microphone to the brim, I tell you. "Do you think you could teach me a couple of tricks?" She'd ask — pure desperation in her tone, looking at Microphone with a pleading look.

Now, Microphone was keen to do so.

She patted her thigh, which was a clear indication for Soap to sit down and help herself — as she trailed over to the other girl behind the kit, setting her body down onto Microphone's thigh, taking the drumsticks into her hands. Mic wrapped one arm around her waist, before guiding her into the steps of basic drumming. It was setting the scene, and frankly, quite romantic.

The romance only escalated further — she hadn't expected it, but it was happening. Microphone felt Soap's hot breath on her face, her hand touching her skin. Her lips pressed against Soap's, feeling how full and light they were. She tasted like lemons, so sweet to the tongue. Their heads leaned against each other, Soap's fingertips digging into the side of her best-friends cheek.

Her heart was hammering — and it only intensified when Soap had began to deepen the kiss. For a long period of time, the two of them take the moment to enjoy their lips moving in sync, a shiver going up her spine — in pure pleasure. Microphone would trace her tongue along the bottom of the latters lips, getting a taste of her lipgloss. A little gross, but it was welcomed. Tangy but sweet at the same time. For the time being, she was quite content with where they were at.

In her desperate need to deepen the kiss further, she'd turn over fully, her hands placed on Microphone's chest —  not able to help the soft, subtle whine which escapes her mouth — making Mic smirk in response, sucking at Soap's bottom lip with pure hunger and need for the other girl, wanting to be her everything. Her soulmate.

The grip on her cheek had loosened, and she felt a hand on the back of her head, pulling her in closer. Soap's tongue strokes the length of Microphone's, slowly twirling around it. She continued this motion until Mic let out a desperate groan into her mouth, goosebumps spreading all over their bodies. Hungrily, she'd lick into Soap's mouth, the sweet tang of lemon hitting her taste buds. Her head tilted for better access, hands gripping Soap's white shirt.

She buried her fingers into the curly hair of Microphone, pulling her even closer — wanting more contact with her body. Their kisses had became wet — breathing hot and tensions at an all time high. Kissing was just so, so, appealing. Especially with a girl you've got a crush on — it was just so much more arousing, and got you in the mood.

Her fantasy had come to an abrupt stop — Soap snapping her fingers infront of Microphone's face, brow furrowed in confusion. They hadn't recovered one bit, still in the nurses office — waiting for their parents to arrive and come collect them. It was only halfway through the school day, and if hell was a place, it would be here.

"Finally! You were out of it for a while," The tanned girl smiled sweetly, the bruises on her still visible. Microphone still felt some guilt everytime she saw them, but tried to push it away for now.

"Oh, sorry.. just got a bit carried away, heh." She'd scratch the back of her neck awkwardly, smiling back — god, what was wrong with her? Why was she having these thoughts about her best-friend? That wasn't normal, was it? Soap wouldn't like that. Soap wouldn't even kiss her — she probably thought that she was a nuisance.

She's in love, and it wasn't a case of just a small crush.


end of chapter.

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