[ volume two, chapter one: refresher ]

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hello it's been a while APOLOGIES... but im back and ready to write! this isn't beta reaaad...

tw: very mildly implied ED, homophobia, mild vulgarity, sexual descriptions

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It had been a while since Microphone & Soap had been teamed up against — maybe about a month, but they seemed to be doing better. Catching up with schoolwork was a drag, but they had to do it — if only the world didn't work in such a way.

Soap woke up at eight, standing up slowly from her bed. She stripped off the thin shirt that almost barely covered her torso, throwing it into the dirty laundry basket. Panties quickly followed. She dropped onto her knees, reaching under the bed, until she felt the scale in the grasp of her hands. She pulled it out, making sure the number was set to zero. Soap was about to put both feet on the scale when there was a knock on the door.

"Sweetheart, are you up yet? Breakfast is on the table!"

She froze, scrambling for her uniform, pushing the scale back under the bed — her shirt wasn't buttoned up properly, and her skirt was crooked.

"C-Coming, just a second!"

The door swung open, and she rushed down the stairs, seeing her mother and.. Mic. Microphone was in her house. And she was a mess.

"Sup, Soapy." Microphone grinned in her direction, shooting her a wink. It was made to be interpreted in a flirty way.

"Hi, Mic," She responded with a small wave, trying to fix the buttons on her shirt, settling down at the table with everyone else.

"Your friend here offered to take you to school — isn't that nice of her?" Her mother, Spray Bottle, would smile at the two.

"Uhm, yeah, it is." She nodded.

Breakfast was as smooth as it could be. Of course, Soap didn't mind the company of Microphone, and neither did her mom. She had two moms, for reference. Her other mom, Bucket, was currently at work and would be home later.

"Bye, mama. I love you!" She kissed her mother on the cheek, as she and Microphone left through the front door.

Microphone hopped onto her motorcycle, handing Soap the spare helmet, jamming her helmet over her curls. "You can handle a motorcycle, right?" Microphone asked, a teasing smile on her face.

"Of course I can! I'm not scared." That was a blatant lie, but can you blame her? Her knees were feeling weak at the thought of it.

"Sure." She rolled her eyes playfully, taking Soap's hands into hers, and helping her up onto the bike.

Soap placed her hands around Microphone's waist, squeezing tightly. "Hold on tight, kay?" The other yelled over the noise of the engine. Off they went, faster than Soap had been expecting. She clung tighter, making sure she wouldn't fall off the back as they hit the bumpy side of the road. She turned to rest her cheek against Microphone's back, watching the clouds in the morning sky.

The turns were her least favourite part. It made her breakfast want to come back up and out, but luckily that hadn't happened. Microphone pulled over next to a large oak tree, helping Soap get off the bike, as she wriggled the helmet free from her head, a look of wonder on her face.

"That was so cool, Mic!" She exclaimed happily. That was a first-time experience for her.

"Really? Well, I've always been cool." Microphone would raise her brow up and down, giving Soap a little nudge to the side.

— ★ —

Physical Education.

Soap didn't like the class, but Microphone did — and now that they were back, it was all about the sports.

For Microphone, at least.

The locker rooms were jam-packed, with the exception of some girls changing in the bathrooms.  Soap stood in the corner, proceeding to take off her shirt — a few giggles in the background being heard.

"Oh, look — round face has finally decided to take her shirt off, and she's even fatter than last time!" Salt laughed, Pepper joining in.

"She's gonna eat us all, run!" Pepper chirped out, she and Salt giggling in unison.

"Piss off, you two." Mic shot them a glare, before turning back to Soap, giving her a reassuring look.

"Oh, look, the queer girl has a mouth? Don't you remember what happened to you last time?" Salt moved forward, her boobs pressing against Mic's own, nose to nose.

"I do. So what?" She spat out, a spark of electricity radiating between the two. The girls had gathered around them by now, forming a circle.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Soap was thinking about what they said to her. Was she chubby? No, it didn't mean anything.

— ★ —

"Alright, everyone!" The coach yelled out, his voice echoing through the hall. Technically, the coach was just a student like them.

Lifering squinted his eyes, blowing the whistle for attention, people stopping their chatter in seconds.

Star athlete, Lifering was.

"We're gonna play dodgeball. Simple as that — anybody wanna be a team captain?"

Hands shot up, one by one.



Of course, that was a recipe for disaster.

As everyone was on the opposite sides, Lifering brought the whistle to his lips, blowing harshly to signal for them to begin. Balls went flying — this was no high school gym hall, this was a warzone — people were getting knocked out one by one, hit straight in the face with a ball. Microphone held a ball tight, throwing it full force at Salt's face, making sure it hit her right in the nose. It did.

"Ow, you bitch!" Salt whined out, hitting the ground — her hand covering her nose as it began to bleed.

"That's from Soap," She paused, before getting another ball, launching it at her stomach.

"– and that's from me." Microphone hissed out, watching the latter cough in pain. Serves her right for even trying.

Salt was livid.

She stood up, blood dripping down her pink shirt. Pepper glanced over at her best friend, noticing the blood seeping through.

"Uhm, Salty—" Pepper began but was ultimately interrupted.

"Not now, Pepper!" She growled, lunging right onto Microphone at full force, slamming punches into her face.

This time, Microphone wasn't going to miss her punches. She had learned her lesson after the last time. Microphone spat a wad of spit into Salt's face, making the white-haired beauty gag in response, which caught her off guard. Giving Mic enough time to strike.

She punched her square in the jaw, knocking Salt to the floor. If it wasn't loud enough in the gym hall, then it had certainly gotten louder.

"Mic!" Soap yelled, pulling her away from the other girl. Salt had been knocked down a peg, and rightfully so.

Pepper stared in complete horror.

"What.. what the fuck?!" She'd gasp, getting on her knees and shaking Salt by the shoulder.

"Yeah, everybody out!" Lifering blew his whistle once more, as everybody cleared out the gym hall like flies.

Microphone was bound to get sent home.

— ★ —

"Mic, do you know how much trouble this could get you in? What if you get suspended? Who am I gonna hang out with then? What if—"

"Soap, calm down. She was being a bitch to you, so I took care of it. No big deal." She'd sigh.

"You didn't have to do that for me, you know..  I'm not all that special." She said meekly, fidgeting with her hands.

"You're special to me, Soap."

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