[ volume one, chapter three: secrets, thoughts, and let downs ]

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tw for sexual themes, use of alcohol, vulgarity, slight homophobia, violence/suicide mentions — this chapter will focus on new additions to the book, and the current ones.

Knife laced his fingers with Pickle's, his head going to rest in the crook of his neck — what a gorgeous boy he was with, my god.  They could get into the rhythm of things, but nobody must know. The things people would do if they found out he was queer was unimaginable. He'd roll his eyes at the thought, laying attention to the boy in front of him.

Within the months that the pair had been secretly dating, the two of them had figured out that the best way of stress relief was through intercourse. Some days it wasn't as simple, while others, they just clicked. It had become a routine, to meet up late at night, spend time together. Knife fumbled with the button on his jeans, throwing them into the corner of the room, while Pickle breathed onto his neck, hot and warm — making him so, so bothered.

What they didn't know, was that someone had been watching them from the window.


"Watch where you're going, bitch!" Salt spat out at Suitcase, immediately elbowing her in the nose — her body stumbling backwards in pain. Suitcase didn't mean to walk into Salt, it just happened. Pepper wasn't with her currently, because she was doing her own private things. Something Salt didn't know about, and wouldn't know about ever.

Salt was naturally a mean girl. It was in her nature, her instinct — cross paths with her, and she'll make sure your life is a living hell. From humiliating photos, to the point where she'll drive you to insanity. It was like she knew what she was doing, and she was good at it. She'd continue down the hallway, chewing on a wad of gum, spitting it on the floor near someone's feet — swinging her locker open, hitting a poor student in the face.

The minute she saw OJ, her eyes had developed hearts in them. Lip gloss came flying out of her pocket, applying it to her lips with haste, before strutting her way over to him. When he noticed her coming over, he'd frown — furrowing his brow in annoyance. OJ wasn't fond of Salt, and he hated the obsession that she had with him.

They weren't even together.

"OJ, babe!" Her hands wrapped around his neck, looking at his face, the same evil grin on her face. OJ pushed her off his body, dusting his uniform off. The scent of her perfume lingered around him and his clothing, making him grimace for a split second — she was such a pain, drowning herself in perfume and always being around him.

"I told you, I'm not interested." He'd groan loudly, holding a hand between them both just to keep her further away from where he stood. As a member of the student council, he knew of everything Salt was doing to students, but the more concerns he brought up to the teachers, the more the brushed it off as it being nothing. The school didn't care for bullying, and would rather listen to more stupid problems, like the lack of students in classes.

"Why not? I've got the hips, the ass, the-" She'd continue on, the words driving past OJs head, as he began to zone out into his own world of fantasies and thoughts, diving deeper down than he expected to go — a whole mess, he thought. With the stress of schoolwork, alongside being in the student council, it drove him almost mad. He never got the sleep he needed, he never got to take a break.

It spiralled further, and grew darker. His mind played out depressing scenes of himself, sitting in his room, holding a sharp blade — he wanted to get rid of that image, shaking his head. He would never do that, right?


"Uhm, like, OJ, are you even listening to me?" Salt furrowed her brow, leaning forward and snapping her fingers — which had removed him from his daze, the one that was making him rethink his entire life, and the choices which had to go along with it. This had pissed Salt off a little bit, but she let it slide since it was her.. 'beloved', I suppose. He wasn't really, but to her he was.

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