9. Redo

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When I woke up, I knew exactly where I was. The familiar sound of voices outside, the way the sun shone in through the window, even the smells were the same. I was at home. I was in Neverland. When I opened the door to my hut I was greeted by the lost boys. Everything was exactly as it should be and there, by a log, by the now outputt campfire, he layed. Henry. And if my wish had worked, she was on her way, to Henry, Neverland, but most importantly to me.

This time I was going to do everything right. This was my wish, I had tailored this world to suit me. So when she set foot on the island I would be ready and this time I wouldn't fail. Because I had changed one thing, I didn't need Henry, or his heart.


When I got off the boat and set my feet on the land of Neverland, I couldn't help but get a kind of Déjà vu feeling. As if we had done all this before, but it wasn't impossible. Henry had been kidnapped and we had wasted no time to follow.
But still the feeling remained.
"We have to find somewhere to camp!"
Said Hook.
"We have to find Henry!"
Mom protested.
"You don't know this island, I do and I say if we're going to have any chance of finding Henry we need to be rested."
The protests died down and we all follow Hook in a smale line. Emma at the front, then mom, behind her Snow and Charming and finally me. But then after a short while I heard something, I stopped to listen and yes there it was!

Someone whispered my name. What if it was Henry! I turned to the others but no one seemed to have heard anything. They kept walking, away from the voice, away from what could be Henry. Then and there I made a decision I went in the opposite direction to the others, I would find them later, if it was nothing I could just follow my own tracks back and what was the worst that could happen, I was armed.

The whispers led me into the forest, but there they ended. But then I heard something else, not whispers this time something that sounded like war cries!
I took a few steps away from them, but they only got closer, then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me down into the bushes.
No, not Henry. Instead it was a boy, he looked to be my age with brown hair and intense green eyes.
"Be quiet, it's Pan and his lost boys." "Who are you?"
I whispered. But just when it looked like he was going to answer, the shouts had reached us. I tried to push myself to the ground and was as quiet as possible, the whole time the boy had his arm around me.

When the lost boys disappeared we wasted no time, we ran, or well, he ran and I followed.
"Do you know Henry?"
Said the boy when we finally stopped. "Yes! Do you! Is he okay is is..!!??"
"Pan has him, but now we have to climb."
He pointed up to the tree we were standing by and I did as he said. Once up I continued.
"I'm Henry's sister, is he okay?"
"Yeah, or he was when I left, but Pan probably won't do anything to him." "Do you know where he was is--." "Shhh."
He pressed his finger to my lips and then I also heard the footsteps.
"Get down from there! We know you're there!"
I looked in horror at the boy and he at me.

"Come down or we'll get you, Pan just wants to talk to you!"
I stubbornly shook my head, but still he started to climb down and for lack of anything else I followed. Once down they took a firm grip on my arms, but not on the boy, instead they all smiled at him, yes some even bowed their heads.
"Who are you and where is my brother!"
I almost shouted at the blond tall boy in front of me.
"Ohh it's not me you should be asking, it's him."
He made a gesture towards the boy who helped me.
"Ohh so rude of me, did I forgot to introduce myself I'm Peter, Peter Pan."
I spat at him, but he smiled and I felt a pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

~~~~~After god knows how long~~~~~

The pain in her head had only gotten worse, and it wasn't helped by his voice.
"Sleep well Princess?"
"How long was I gone?"
"Ohh who knows, this is Neverland, could have been an hour or three days it's not that important."
"Where's Henry?"
"Out there, with the others."
"Let me see him!"
"You have to rest--."
"Let me see him!"
"Alright, get ready for the night then." Those were the last things he said before he left me, ready for the night? How?

So I ignored it, got out of bed, wobbled a bit and went out. But it was already night out. The fire was burning, the children were dancing, and there, there in the midst of it all was Henry!
"Henry ohh you're okay!"
"Sure I'm fine, but what are you doing here, Pan's shadow would take me home."
Pan's shadow?
"You were kidnapped!"
"Yeah and Pan saved me! He promised to take me home as soon as I wanted, but y/n can't we stay, just litte!"
"Well, if you want, but only a little, the others are looking for us!"
So we danced and then we danced lots more and then we sang and before I knew it Pan had offered me his hut for the night and I had accepted.

He followed me in and closed the door behind him.
"Before I go, I just have to do one thing."
I was interrupted by him pressing his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and pressed my body against his. One of his hands traveling over my body and grabbed one of my breasts and then he pulled away.
Then he rushed out and left me hot and alone.

Hello!❤️ Long time since last;) Well, seriously, it will probably be a bit of a repeat, but I think I know how I whant it to end now.
Kind of sad that y/n will think she has all her firsts tho (again).

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