Prologue 💙

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(This is my first Time making a book so forgive me if its not to English standers. The Prologue will go over any Abuse*not sexual* inflicted by Lumine onto Y/N when he was little and as he grew so please be weary it may be disturbing and graphic, ill try to hold back on the gore though. otherwise enjoy)

Y/N was adopted by his bio moms closest friend, Lumine, soon after he was born due to his mom being that of an acholic. To be honest Y/N sometimes wished he was with his mom rather than being with Lumine because of the things Lumine would often Due when no one was around. Lets just say Lumine started doing vile and inhumane things to Y/N when he was 4 and as Y/N grew it became worse. The way Lumine would Leave him feeling disgusting and broken every time only for his emotions to be forced down and made to smile around others left Y/N in depressed state most of the time.

Y/N had the freedom to do as he pleased as long as he made Lumine breakfast each morning which grossed him out greatly but it was the only way for him to be able to go out and enjoy himself even for a little without any pain, Like being hit for not doing something correctly and or back talking.

(current time, Y/N is 18, Y/N's POV)

*Its just another day to me* I thought to myself as I threw on my clothes. on my way down the stairs my dumbass tripped and I hit my side on the railing "Fuck!" I yelped as I looked down to my hip after I had stood up to compose myself. "why does this have to happen to me" I sighed as I walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked around to find no one there when I remembered Lumine had a business trip and would be gone for a 4 months. "with him gone I won't have to worry as much as I usually do." I sighed to myself before grabbing some yogurt and sitting in the living room to eat it.

(10 minutes later)

I was watching TV when I heard my phone ring so I pulled it out of my pocket and noticed it was from my friend Cloe. "Hey Cloe what's up?" I said as I picked up the phone. "hey Y/N! me and my darling Nevaeh are heading to the new antique shop down the road and then going out for some new clothes. you wanna come?" Cloe sounded exited when mentioning her wife and shopping in the same sentence. *I cant believe Cloe got married at 18 to Nevaeh but with all the shit right now I can't blame them* I thought to myself before being interrupted by Nevaeh yelling through the phone to be ready in 10. "okay okay yeesh I'll let you two love bird go so I can get dressed, bye~" I said with a bit of sarcasm and hung up. 

(Whelp. that's the end of the Prologue, the next chapter will continue with the girls and Y/N heading out to do their shopping. BTW Cloe and Nevaeh are 1 year older than You, so 19. hope you enjoyed)

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