Cpt 7. Night with Alastor😑

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(Your POV)

It had been a solid 30 minutes of awkward yet somehow comfortable silence of me laying on my bed, and Al was currently looking at a news paper as he was laying on his stomach and kicking his feet back and forth. *Cute.* I was denying it the past couple of days since that little cheek kiss but I was honestly starting to catch feelings for Alastor. It may have been 2 weeks an like 2 days but certain things Alastor did made me feel anxious but not in a bad way. It was more like I just wanted to be near him. The hours in the beginning of each day felt like torture just waiting to see him, but it was too soon to tell him that I... Liked.. Loved? I'm not sure but I really enjoyed his company whether It was a comforting silence or playing some old timey game I just liked being around him. "It's too soon." I thought allowed forgetting about the red demon next to me on the bed. "Too soon for what my dear?" Al said with his usual wide ass smile. *Shit I said that out loud.* "Uh.. Nothing important.. haha" I tried to laugh it off. 

(Alastor's POV)

By the look In Y/n's eyes I could tell he was lying but I wasn't going to press further. Surly he would tell me when he's ready. "Very well my dear. Say why don't me and you take another walk like the one from the previous night? Of course I would much rather walk this time." I said as a laugh track played on my beloved cane. "Sure, I don't see the harm in that. Just give me a second to get ready." He said with a soft smile and moved of the bed. Y/n told me to look away while he changed and normally I would happily do so but in this moment something was pulling my gaze onto him as he changed into his modern day attire. I wasn't typically found of such but Y/n seemed to make it just a bit more appealing for me.*In all my years why now do I have to go against my morals.* I thought to myself as I finally managed to pull my gaze from his body.  

 The clock at just struck 5 and me and my beloved angel were at the park walking around talking about random things like vague details about the Hazbin hotel, and tiny bits and pieces of his past. I could tell it wasn't good just by the vague details but I knew more than anyone just how bad an abusive relation could be. Whether it was a parental figure or a partner it was never a good thing. I may be a demon now but I still have morals despite the fact I broke a least one by staring at Y/n in such a vulnerable state as he changed. But back to the main point I wish I could make y/n open up to me more in time. I know some parts of him still don't trust me and for good reasons so I'm not going to make a fuss. While it would be nice to have another pitiful soul under my grasp Y/n seemed.. Different. I just can't understand why. "Al? You good? You have an expression on your face that makes you look like you eat cats for a living." Y/n laughed as he stated the expression the was cast upon my face. Truly I was just far to deep in my thoughts. I always made a face when I was thinking top hard, even as a boy my mother would ask me if I was alright. "Yes my boy, I'm quite alright. I just happened to be in deep thought. Nothing for you to worry your silly little mind over." I stated feeling a tad bit embarrassed from showing such a face.

(3rd POV)

Y/n and Alastor and spent a good portion of their evening talking as they walked around the quiet part. At 8:45 Alastor figured it best to head back to Y/n's home. Of course there wasn't enough time to walk back so Alastor found it best to teleport them back. 

"uh~ Al.. next time warn me. I feel eh~" Y/n sound like he was on the verge of vomiting so Al sent him off to the restroom while he mad his angel something simple to eat before bed. I wasn't healthy for Y/n to go without eating for 5 and a half hours simply because Al was visiting. However y/n was used to going long periods of time without food and if Al were to find out Lumine would be dead for sure. after about 5 minutes Alastor had made Y/n a simple f/m sandwich and met with y/n in his room. "Here you are my sweet. A f/m sandwich just like you like them." Al smiled as he watched the smaller male eat before they had to say their goodbyes. 

(839 words. I kind of feel like making the next chapter angsty. no guaranties though. And as always hope you enjoyed.)

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