Cpt 1. Shopping✨

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(2nd POV)

After the girls came and picked you up they drove over to the mall and started their shopping. "Ugh why do malls have to have such cool stores!~" Nevaeh whined as she clung to her wife. "I don't really think they are all that great if you ask me" you said as both Cloe an Nevaeh gasped in shock. "what its true" you said with a sigh. "I guess so" Cloe said as she took yours and Nevaeh's hands and dragged you over to one last store for clothes. you had yet to find anything and the girls had 4 bags full already. You really just wanted to head to that new antique store the girls had mentioned before taking you out.

(1 hour later, your POV)

After successfully finding an outfit I liked the girls payed for me and we headed off to the antique store. *Man that took forever, but I'm thankful the girls payed for me. Despite being their friend I sure am treated like their first child or something.* I chuckled out a soft laugh as I thought to myself. After we arrived at the antique store we went our separate ways in the store as to try and move more quickly.

an hour of having a relaxed mind and wondering about the store I had came across a shelf with older styled radios all of which where rather beautiful however one stuck out to me the most and its wood was dark and it was shaped sorta like a guitar pick with stars on the front and the dials below. "this looks like it was from the 1920's or something.." I thought out loud before Cloe had snuck behind me and scaring the ever loving shit out of me. "HA! I GOT YOU!" she said excitedly as I slowly died inside. "Damn it Cloe don't do that shit" I mumbled as I let out a laugh. "Nah come on Y/N you know you love it!" she said in return. "Yeah sure" I said sarcastically.

(Cloe's POV)

After scaring Y/N I noticed he was looking at a rather odd radio. "Is that what your getting?" I asked him. I was ready to buy the world for him especially after everything Lumine put him through. *its a shame he hasn't moved out yet and Lumine is constantly preventing that. Me and Nevaeh would offer him a place to stay but we live with her parents so we can save enough money to buy a decent house.* I thought to myself. "Yeah actually, I don't really need anymore antique lamps so this would be a nice addition." y/n said as he held the odd radio. it was honestly giving me the creeps.

(3rd POV)

After the girls bought y/n his radio and themselves a few bits of jewelry the girls had driven y/n home, well that's what Lumine called it y/n preferred to call it hell or a cage. "Bye y/n!! see you later!" the girls said as they drove off leaving y/n with his thoughts. "bye" he mumbled softly as he walked into the dimly lit house with his new radio and the bag that held his new outfit.

After y/n got everything put away he walked up to his night stand and sat the radio down. after try to catch a signal and failing he decided to just go and take a shower so he could finally get some sleep. after his sower he had this strong feeling of being watched but he shrugged it off as nerves and stress due to being used to having his adoptive dad complain about something or the other.

(Alastor's POV)

*such an odd boy. he'd make great use to my soul collection* I though to myself as I peered at him from the shadows before hearing an all to familiar voice call me back to the hotel. "Yes Charlie my dear what can I help you with?" I said as an annoyed static filled the room. "Sorry Alastor but I need help coming up with activity's for the week" she said with her usual up beat tone. "I'm sorry to ask my dear but couldn't you have asked that darling girlfriend of yours? I'm sure she would be more than willing to help." I hummed as she sighed with a slight disappointment. "Yeah I could but I promised her a day to let her relax." Charlie said with a gentle smile. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to help." I said as I let Charlie lead me to her idea board.

(wowzah 753 words, hope you enjoyed as always)

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