Cpt 8. Inheritance🦌

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 A whole month had passed, and Y/n now had only 2 months left until Lumine's return. As the days melted into weeks, a palpable sense of anticipation tinged with anxiety settled over Y/n's mind. With each passing moment, the weight of Lumine's absence grew heavier, casting a shadow over even the simplest of daily routines.

Despite Y/n's efforts to maintain a semblance of normalcy, the impending reunion with Lumine loomed large in his thoughts, sapping away his energy and enthusiasm. This newfound restlessness manifested in subtle ways, affecting his interactions with his two friends Cloe and Nevaeh. Even moments spent in the company of Alastor, usually a source of comfort and distraction, felt strangely draining.

Observant as ever, Alastor couldn't help but notice the shift in Y/n's demeanor. Concern etched across his features, the demon couldn't ignore the telltale signs of fatigue and unease plaguing his cherished angel. With a mixture of empathy and worry, Alastor decided to try and unravel the mystery behind Y/n's dwindling energy, determined to offer whatever support he might need in the countdown to Lumine's return.

(2nd POV)

 It was 4:25 pm and Alastor was determined to make you feel better even if it was just a little bit. "My sweet boy, please tell me what's troubling you. I've known you for 2 months. I know that isn't long but I do truly want to understand what's making you so stressed." Al said as the static in his voice was low and his face filled with concern. You and Al had been sitting on your couch in the library of your home just taking in the comforting silence as you played with your phone and Alastor just observing you till he had spoken. "I- I'm not sure how to explain it Alastor. I just.. I." You were trying so hard to get the words out but the more you talked the more difficult it became for you to control your emotions. You never liked showing your emotions because you were often saw as week if you did and you knew Al was from a time men hardly ever showed their emotions. *No.. no please don't cry y/n not In front of him* You thought to yourself as tears slowly creeped down your face. "I'm sorry Al." you said as you tried to get up off the couch before Alastor grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into his lap. 

 You tried to adjust yourself for comfort before Alastor gripped your waist and positioned you to a more comfortable position himself. Al wasn't going to admit it but it bothered him and he hated it. "My dear, what is making you so distressed. I won't ask you again." Al said with a harsh but soothing tone. "Al.. I can't" you muttered. "And why not?" He spoke loudly as he wiped your tears off you cheeks. "It's about Lumine." was all you could say before covering you face to hide the new tears that threatened to fall. Alastor pulled down you hands and and looked at you in a way he's never looked at anyone before and kissed you softly on the forehead. "My sheik. I need you to tell me the full truth about the things lumine Does to you. I need to understand how I can help. I want to know the full extent as to why your so afraid of him. You aren't a little boy my dear so why is it your so afraid of him still." Alastor said as he pulled your head to lay it on his chest. 

It took you 30 minutes to explain the full extent of the horrible abuse that lumine had put you through. All the memories of being hit over little things or being put in the basement for breaking a rule came flooding out of your mouth and Alastor listened. "Well my sweet boy, I will ensure that those thing will never happen again and trust me when I say. Lumine will not be let off so easily." Al said as his static grew loud and his voice gruff. Of course it wasn't directed at you but at that wretched Lumine. *Oh how I plan to make you suffer. Mock my words Lumine once I get my hands on you I will make you pay.* Al thought of all the things he would do but for the time being his main focus was ensuring you were ok and feeling better. "Thank you Al. Thank you for listening." You said as the tears slowed and Al simply nodded as he patted you head.

(Your POV) 

 Alastor cradled me gently on his lap, his warm embrace offering solace as he delved into the pages of a book, weaving tales that momentarily transported us from the mundane world around us. However, our tranquil interlude was abruptly interrupted when Al announced his untimely departure, citing urgent matters that demanded his attention. As the clock struck 7:45, marking his exit, a wave of desolation washed over me, leaving me to grapple with an unexpected sense of loneliness. It was in that solitary moment that I realized the profound significance of his presence, the comfort of his touch, and the tender care he bestowed upon me. *How I missed the simple joys of human connection.* I thought silently to myself, acknowledging the fleeting nature of companionship. With a heavy heart, I decided to retire early, seeking refuge in the embrace of sleep to shield myself from the onslaught of emotions and a headache that threatened to overwhelm me.

(The next morning, 3rd POV)

The next day unfolded with a tragic twist, shattering the fragile tranquility that had settled over Y/n's world. Unbeknownst to him, a fateful event unfolded in the bustling streets that lumine occupied during his business trip. Lumine, his abuser, became ensnared in the chaos of a car wreck – a collision orchestrated by none other than Alastor himself. Of course the news channel didn't say that but Y/n had a good feeling Al had caused it. But Y/n wasn't going to complain. 

(Y/n's POV) 

*How the fuck am I gonna pay for the house!? I don't have a job!* Was the only thing I was worried about after hearing about Lumine's death. It was already 3:28 so Al should be here any minute. "HELLO MY DEAR~!" Alastor said terrifyingly loud causing me to jump. "Shit! Alastor. Hi." were the only words that came out of my mouth. "I know what you did Alastor. As much as I want to tank you. How am I going to continue living here rent free with Lumine dead?" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Not to worry my dear. I may or may not have tempered with his inheritance. Everything is payed off and you my dear get all of the remaining money Lumine had and the house!" Alastor said with a cheery tone. I was in shock. How was that possible. "I- Holly fuck. I." I was in pure disbelief. "Thank you Al!" I finally managed to say as I jumped into his arms.

(Lmao that took a quick turn. 1185 words. Hope you enjoyed)

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