Cpt 5. The Park🎈

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 It was currently 7 pm, you and Alastor had just arrived at the park for your late night stroll, but instead of walking, you found yourselves seated on a bench nestled among the trees. "Mmm~" you hummed softly as you closed your eyes to take in the cool breeze. You hadn't noticed but Alastor was looking at you with a gentle expression and his usual toothy smile now soft and content. *You look so handsome my darling Y/n* Alastor thought to himself before looking away from you to enjoy the strange atmosphere of the dimly lit park. 

The time was now 7:30 pm, and you hadn't noticed it yet but you were slightly leaning on Alastor's shoulder. You had only noticed when Al had but his arm around you to gently pull you closer. "Al-" he cut you off before you could say anything. "Shh.~ Lets enjoy this quiet night." Alastor said in a soothing tone. Of course him shushing you almost made you chuckle with the way his staticky voice was. After another 20 minutes of comforting silence you and Alastor had decided to head back to the house. By the time you got home it was 8pm meaning you and Alastor has 1 hour left before he had to leave. 

In the cozy confines of your humble abode, an unexpected game of hide and seek unfolded with Alastor assuming the role of the seeker. Amidst the familiar surroundings of your home, the stakes seemed somehow heightened, as Alastor's eerie charm added an exhilarating twist to the game. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Alastor counted with a theatrical flair, while you darted through rooms, seeking refuge in the most unlikely of places. As shadows danced across the walls, your heart raced with excitement, knowing that evading Alastor's keen senses would prove to be a formidable challenge. Yet, despite your best efforts to remain concealed, Alastor's supernatural prowess inevitably led him to uncover your hiding spot. With a chuckle and a playful grin, Alastor revealed himself, his crimson gaze sparkling with amusement, as you conceded defeat with good-natured laughter. Though the game had drawn to a close, the memory of their whimsical encounter lingered, infusing your home with an unforgettable touch of otherworldly magic. 

(Alastor's POV)

After finding my darling angel, Y/n, I looked at the time and noticed it was 8:59 Meaning I had to leave in a minute. "Well my darling Y/n I must bid you adieu" I said as I gently ruffled his hair. "Awww already? I don't wanna wait to see you again" Y/n pouted slightly before retuning to his normal charismatic self. "Yes, I agree with that statement my sheik, but alas I must head back before the others get to curious." I said before giving my darling y/n a peck on the cheek and heading back to the Hotel I'm using as entertainment.

(Your POV)

 After Alastor pulled that kiss stunt I was left speechless, and I couldn't sleep most the night but I really didn't care. I don't need sleep. The rest the night I had spent cleaning the house and listening to music. For some odd reason that kiss on the cheek gave me enough energy to clean maybe 3 houses. Of course I would never actually clean like that. I would never willingly do that. 

 The time was currently 3:45 am and I was finally coming down from my energetic high. I was sitting on my bed and all that seemed to play in my head was all the things Alastor had done for me in the past 2 weeks. I honestly couldn't tell if I was in love or was just latching on to him because he was treating me like an actual person rather than a pet to be used and broken. I sighed and tried to get comfortable in the bed. It had took me another hour before I had actually managed to get to sleep.

(Damn 657 words. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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