Chapter Six

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Price watched idly, reclined back in a desk chair in his office. A steaming Lieutenant stood intimidatingly at the front of his desk, frustration oozing from his tense shoulders.

"Sending her off for a mission like that was not OK, Price," Ghost said to the man sternly.

Price's disposition didn't change, still relaxed with his back in the chair. "I knew she was safe with you and Soap."

Ghost shook his head to disregard that comment completely. "She nearly got sexually assaulted. This is not something I'm alright with doing ever again."

"She's a tough girl, tougher than you're giving her credit for." Price finally uncrossed his arms and leaned forward, staring up into the Lieutenant's infuriated eyes. "We knew what room they were going to be in, had you there watching and waiting. This is routine for us. Why've ya got your panties in a twist, mate?"

"That scenario could have ended with a severely traumatized member of our team. Is that what you want for us, Captain?"

"She ain't traumatized. She's been boasting about how well she pulled it off ever since you made it back." His arms crossed against his chest as he leaned back and scrutinized Ghost one last time. "You're quite huffy about this one recruit, Simon. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Ghost took a deep, frustrated breath before responding. "Most of our recruits aren't girls being sexually exploited for intel, sir. This could have been handled another way."

"This was the quickest, easiest way. She saved us a lot of resources, L.T."

Ghost's forefinger jammed itself down pointedly on the surface of Price's wooden desk. "Next time you go trying to send her off on something like that, I'm saying no." He stared Price in the eye for a moment, letting the Captain know that he meant it. Then he finally turned, stomping out the door without another word.

Price stared after him with his eyebrow raised, wondering what the hell had gotten into the man.


You laid on your stomach on your bed, finally having found the time to tell your best friend all that had happened.

You pulled out your phone and dialed the number you'd had memorized for years, a picture of the two of you coming up as it rang.

Giddiness washed over you when she finally answered the phone. You struggled not to spew out every single detail all at once.

"Oh, my God you are not going to believe it."

She could hear your voice tremble with excitement. "Oh God. What. Spit it out right now."

You took a deep breath, unsure of where to start. "Well, I can't share too many details... Okay. So. Ever since I started on this new unit, I have - my Lieutenant - oh my God, HE'S SO FINE!" You squealed into the phone.

"Oh shit!" She responded. "Did you fuck him?!"

You gasped. "W-what?! No! ...No, but... we just got sent off on a mission together, and I had to wear this super hot sexy dress. I was so embarrassed. Basically, we had to escape and I couldn't run in my shoes, so L.T. had to carry me the whole way."

You could picture her grinning face on the other end of the phone. "Oh my gosh. I need to see that dress. Keep going!"

"He had me pulled up into his lap, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me from getting cold..." you were beginning to melt all over again. "And then he gave me a piggyback ride the whole way back. He acted like he was pissed off at the Captain for sending me on such a dangerous mission! He said, 'You will never be doing something like this again!'" You did your best to imitate Ghost's accent.

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