Tamaki was now a lean 14 year old he was in the middle of silently stalking his next meal. It was rabbit hybrid it was a street liver to so nobody would miss it. (Tamaki was stalking it on all fours. He was given some of his mums blood so he stalking it like a cat). Once the pray noticed the predator's presence it was already too late. Tamaki chaced after it. He chaced it until he pinned in at the edge of a rooftop. He made the death quick and he would say painless but drowning in your own blood as your carried too a place where you'll be eaten isn't very painless.


After Tamaki dragged the body back too camp for the others to eat he left. He had his best friend to meet at the park. He grabbed something that didn't have blood stains on it from his family's den and then headed out.


Tamaki and Mirio had been friends since they were 12. It was after Tamaki was left on a rooftop and told to get back to camp. It wasn't very hard since he kinda cheated. He had followed the mentor's scent trail. Tamaki got unlucky and was left at the very edge of the territory so as he was following the scent of the mentor he was ambushed by a Streetrunner. He had been chaced into a nice neighborhood and he had hid in on of the gardens. That was when Mirio found him. Hiding under one of his mom's rosebushes. They had somehow become friends. Mirio didn't question why he was dirty or why he had some cuts and bruises here and there.


When Tamaki got to the park Mirio was already there. He was waiting at the swings. Tamaki dropped from the tree branch that was situated right above the swings. He swapped his mums tail for his mama's tail and hung upside down from it. . hey Mirio.

Hey Tamaki.

Do you want to go explore a new area of the city or something else.

The two boys had started exploring the city. At first they weren't going to far from the streets they were used to and knew. But now their exploring a lot farther than what they used to when they were 12.

I think we should explore the market place. I think it could be fun besides I've got to get some school supplies and we can get you some stuff as well.

Now Mirio knew that Tamaki didn't go to school and wasn't being given the best homeschooling so he helped him. He would often bring Tamaki home with him and show him how to solve math problems and other school related things.

Ok we can go there.


Tamaki and Mirio were sitting on a bench in a park eating their ice cream that they got. A bag of a bunch of different things was sitting next to Mirio.

So Tama what do you think about going to UA.


Now before you turn the question down think about it. If you were in the hero course and I'm positive that you'd get into it.

Mirio even if I got into it I'd never be able to afford it.

I know but I've been saving some money for the longest time and if we get jobs we could possibly earn enough to afford it.

Mirio you don't need to spend your money on me even now. But using it to get me into UA Mirio you don't have to do that for me.

I know but I want to. I want us to become heroes together.

Mirio what if they think I'm a monster what if they don't like me.

Tamaki you'll never be a monster and how could someone not like you. You're amazing. Besides if they think you're a monster them you'll be the first monster to make it into the class.

I guess your right. But I've got to ask my parents about it first.

Ok I'll see you tomorrow then.



Yep there was some death at the beginning and there will be more death throughout the story but it shouldn't be too much or very graphic. But let me know how you've been enjoying the story so far and let me know your ideas for future chapters.
I'm actually thinking on making a side book full of one shots and little sections of information about this book though I'll probably only make it after this one is completed.

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