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The stars began to twinkle in the ever-growing darkness of the sky above, the nearly full moon casting its cool light into the thick of the forest below. A light breeze rustled the bracken, ruffling the fur of the ginger she-cat slinking through the shadows provided by the undergrowth. The cat had walked in this forest all her life, many seasons since her apprenticeship. Now, she was relishing the dense wood that protected her home.

She lifted her muzzle, opening her mouth slightly to drink in the scents of night. The lake was to her right, the taste of water and fish bathing her tongue while the sound of tiny waves lapping the shore reached her ears. Greenleaf brought fresh new growth and with it, the strong aroma of plants rejuvenated from leaf-bare. This last season was particularly difficult for the Clans around the lake.

The she-cat frowned. Many kits died this leaf-bare, she thought, along with several young warriors. She recalled the nasty border skirmishes with SkyClan, which claimed the lives of her littermate Sweetbriar and three other cats. Perhaps this greenleaf will bring both peace and prosperity to the Clans... Suddenly, small scuffling noises came from ahead, shattering her dark thoughts. Her ears pricked forward.


Excitement sparking in her paws, the ginger she-cat dropped to a crouch, sending a swift thanks StarClan that the wind was blowing toward her. Drawing herself closer with soft, careful paw steps, the ginger cat focused on a clump of ferns ahead. With a powerful leap, she launched her body forward and landed neatly on the tiny creature. She quickly nipped its neck and it fell limp in her paws. Satisfaction warmed her fur as she tasted the sweet prey blood.

"That was a great catch, Honeystar."

Startled, Honeystar whipped around to face a large tom. The moonlight above lit his flame-colored pelt, turning it silver. Stars sparkled around his paws. The she-cat sniffed, smelling the familiar and comforting scent of ThunderClan. Amusement lit his warm green gaze as she recognized him. "Firestar!"

Purring, the legendary leader of ThunderClan dipped his head. "Yes. It has been many moons since I gave you a life during your leadership ceremony. I am impressed with your time as ThunderClan's leader."

Honeystar shuffled her paws, suddenly as shy as a new apprentice. "I'm not nearly as great as you were, Firestar. I have faced many challenges with the other Clans, as well as these new Twolegs moving around the lake." She spat, fur bristling at the thought of the Twolegs scaring off precious prey and building new nests on every Clan's territory. The invasion had started gradually, with one or two structures that seemed to only temporarily house Twolegs during greenleaf. However, more have sprung up over the last couple moons along the lake's shores, pushing the Clans further from their previous hunting grounds.

Firestar's tail drooped, his eyes now dull with sadness. "I am afraid that is why I have come to you tonight in your dreams." Honeystar's fur prickled at the tone of the ancient ThunderClan leader's mew. "StarClan has sent a message to every leader around the lake. I am afraid... the Clans are in grave danger. One that the Clans of my time had suffered before."

Honeystar stared at him, shock coursing like icy water through her body. She recalled the stories of the elders many seasons ago, telling the tale of how the Clans moved from their old home in a forest, long since destroyed by Twolegs, to their current territories around the lake. How can this be? I thought StarClan sent the Clans here because it couldn't be taken from us?

As though he could read her thoughts, the flame-colored tom shook his head. "StarClan did not know this was coming- not until recently. We could not warn you until we were certain of the destruction that will come."

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