Chapter Four

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Rainpaw sat in the stuffy medicine den, carefully sorting the herbs he and Dewpetal had gathered the day before. Piles of comfrey, goldenrod, horsetail, and mallow lay before him. He had learned nearly every name and use of them, save for a few that had not yet sprung up with the newleaf growth. At first, it had been overwhelming- and a bit intimidating- as his mentor drilled him with different questions on wounds and illnesses and what could be used to treat them. 

After gingerly setting the last bundle into the store, Rainpaw sat back and admired his organization of the herbs. He had been a medicine cat apprentice for a little more than a quarter moon now and, although his heart still ached at the thought of missing out on warrior training with his littermates, he felt a sense of pride in his new skills. Over the last few days, the young apprentice became more confident in his knowledge, which seemed to please Dewpetal.

"I told you that you would make a great medicine cat," she had purred just earlier that day when he successfully mixed and applied a poultice to Pebblefall's injured paw. The gray warrior she-cat had sliced it on a sharp stone on the dawn patrol, making her Rainpaw's first real patient. 

Suddenly craving fresh air, Rainpaw pushed his way out of the den and shook his gray-dappled pelt free of dust and bits of herbs. He noticed there were few cats in the hollow, most of them likely on hunting patrols. The fresh-kill pile was still fairly low, and his stomach rumbled in protest. 

A shriek from the nursery made him start. Cloudkit, Yellowshine's tom-kit, barreled through the nursery entrance, his sister Spottedkit close behind. The white kit had noticed Rainpaw and was heading straight for him, his short fluffy tail held straight up in the air. "Rainpaw! Can you play a game with us?" Cloudkit pleaded as he skidded to a halt a whisker from Rainpaw. 

"Yeah, all the other apprentices are out training," Spottedkit complained, her green eyes flashing with annoyance. "And Yellowshine is sleeping again." 

Rainpaw purred in amusement. "Of course, I just finished my tasks. I can play until Dewpetal comes back from gathering herbs." 

The two kits each gave a happy little bounce. "You can be a badger," Cloudkit ordered, "and we are the warriors who have to drive you out of camp!"

Arching his back and fluffing out his fur to appear bigger, Rainpaw drew his lips back in a mock snarl. "I'm a big, hungry badger and I've come to eat you!"

"Oh no!" Spottedkit squealed, laughter in her tiny mew. "We must protect Yellowshine and the elders!"

    Cloudkit was spitting ferociously, his ears flat against his head. "Attack!" he screeched, and the white tom launched himself at Rainpaw. 

The medicine cat apprentice hardly felt the small kit hit his flank, but he let himself fall over anyway. Spottedkit joined her brother, churning her soft paws against Rainpaw's back. "I can't fight against such strong warriors!" he gasped. "I promise I'll leave and never come back."

Spottedkit let out a snort. "Not so fast, badger! You can leave..."

"But you have to give each of us a badger ride!" Cloudkit finished. 

Rainpaw gently pushed the kits off and got to his paws. "Oh yes, great warriors! I'll give you a ride!" He lowered himself enough to let the kits scrabble onto his back and began lumbering around, lurching this way and that. The littermates squeaked in delight. 

"Are you two giving Rainpaw a hard time?" The voice came from Hootfeather, a dark brown tabby elder. The tom was good-humored, a rasping purr rumbling in his throat. 

"No, this is a badger!" Cloudkit declared, jumping from Rainpaw's shoulders to stand in front of Hootfeather. "He was attacking our camp!"

"Yeah, we were defending you!" the yellow tabby she-kit boasted, following her brother. 

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