9 (Andresia)

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Name: Ender Shadowclaw

Alias: Lord Shikken, Lord Sentinel, Endy (Shared with Endreth), Commander Ender (Enclave soldiers)

Race: Andresian

Age: 20

Occupation: 503rd Sentinel of Light, Leader of the Enclave, Prince (Authority Nullified)

Affiliation: Akitshushima Shogunate (Shikken), Holy City Valheinmr  (Custodian), 6 eyes of the Sentinel (Deputies)


Ender is a tall man with short spiky black hair and glowing purple eyes, that turned cyan whenever he uses his Sentinel Powers

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Ender is a tall man with short spiky black hair and glowing purple eyes, that turned cyan whenever he uses his Sentinel Powers. Following his ascension as the Sentinel, he had trained his physical to gain toned and muscular build. He is noted to be handsome even for his clan. Presumably to highlight his nature as Emissary of Heaven.

As a prince of Shadowclaw Household, Ender wears the clan's black and purple kimono with royal accessories such as a headress and light ceremonial armor on formal occassions.

He also switch to the Shogunate's military Uniform that consist of long Sleeved camouflage jacket with a white shirt underneath followed by long military pants and combat boots. This has become his permanent outfit following the formation of the Enclave, with him replacing the Shogunate's flag with the group's.


As opposed to the more cold and logic driven Endreth, Ender is more social and emotional to others. Even going so far as to be his Niece and Nephews' caretaker whenever Endreth is absent. This doesn't mean he is stupid, however. As he will fight even his brother should he take things too far especially if it's concerning the divines. As he felt that his brother is either ignorant or uncaring to the consequences of his actions. He is also  coordial and willing to listen to reason even with enemies. As such other people preferred to give news to him first then have him delivering it to Endreth because of their fear of the Shogun.

As a Sentinel, Ender had been taught to never hold himself above others. As Sentinel, in addition to be the planet's protector was also prophets of Heaven. Although The prophethood had been abolished by his time, Ender still taught others about Light Temple in his spare time. He is also Fierce in combat against evil, not hesitant to destroy them should they think of escaping and generally hold a more hostile view against the enemies.

After his defection following the Crisis, Ender had adopt more authoriarian and militaristic attidute. Having lost his trust to Endreth made him willing to kill should the situation calls it along with the loyalist factions whom he blamed for his brother's radical change. He is also more stritct and use his authority as Sentinel to bypass common laws to ensure both a win and the Enclave's survival. That includes using torture to force information out of prisoners and usage of dangerous weapons.

Powers and Abilities:

Immense Varam: As with all andresians, Ender has access to Varam, Andresia's equivalent to magic and curse energies. In addition to his already high amount of Varam due to his lineage, Ender also inherit even more Varam as the Sentinel. With Michael comparing him to Hercules as both have 3 times the power than other demigods/Sentinels.

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