CH 1

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TIME: 9.46 PM

"Boss is coming."

"Did you prepare the man?"

"He isn't opening his mouth!"

"Shit! Another murder tonight."

The dimly lit room envelops under the air heavy with a scent of sweat and fear, cloaked in shadows.

Black polished shoes makes small sounds against the floor. A sleek and lethal figure, dressed in all black, moves with cat-like grace, his senses attuned to the dangers lurking in the darkness as he enters, allowing everyone to acknowledge his fearsome presence.

The dangerously dominant pair of hazel green orbs scans the room, wide shoulders enhancing the stern feature he carries.

The men bowed to the authoritative feature who went straight to the seat and sat down periously, one leg over the other and slightly motioned his tattooed hand for everyone to sit, still looking horrifically handsome.

"Bring him."

The cold husky voice of the dominant mafia echoes in the silent room to which a man quickly responded, dragging a beaten up guy, or more likely his captive.

The mafia possesses a ruthless glint in his eyes as he looms over them with an air of menacing authority.

The captive trembles before the tormentor, his face battered and bloodied from days of relentless interrogation.

The mafia's lips curl into a sinistrous smile as he circles them like a predator toying with its prey.

"I-I am sorry. I-I w-will look more car...carefully into their company in f..future." The man pleads, a last attempt to save his own life.

"Useless heads don't deserve a life in Kim Taehyung's regime."The dominant male growls, his tone dripping with malice.

In a flick of second,the Mafia breaks the wine glass placed at the table,the liquid spilled all over while the rough large fingers picks up a broken piece and pierces it at the captive's head.

Piercing scream fills the air as the glass fragment makes impact on his head, sending waves of agony coursing through the body.

As blood trickles down his temple, staining the body crimson,the Mafia continues to insert the piece inside while rest in the room shiver at the bloodshed.

The man soon lays lifeless, his head damaged hideously while the other displays a twisted smirk, sparkling eyes held no remorse rather reflected pride in displaying his power to the world and proving it once again that cruelty reigns supreme in reality - and has always won in the test of time.

"Throw it!"

Immediately two tall well built men approached, picked up the dead man and left.

The Mafia glances at his palms drenched in blood.

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