003 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐠

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 day, Y/n and Jacob unanimously agreed that they were going to see one another again. Currently, the h/c-haired woman was seated on her couch, watching some cartoons as she waited for Jacob to knock at the door since they agreed that he should swing by around noon. However, much to her dismay, it looked like the blond was running a little late. Or that's what Y/n hoped anyway since it was almost an hour past their scheduled time.

"I hope he didn't forget..." she lamented out loud to no one but herself, sighing. She could only watch cartoons for so long before getting bored, but it's not like she had anything else better to do than wait. Just as she was about to give up hope completely, Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin when the doorbell went off, echoing throughout her house.

Quickly pausing her show, Y/n got up from the couch and hurried toward the front door where she unlocked it before flinging the door open. "I was starting to think you wouldn't—" Before she could finish her sentence, she was unfortunately and swiftly interrupted.

"Hi. I need you to sign this."

That's not Jacob! It's the mailman. While she was a little bummed out that he will not be arriving for a little while longer, at least her Mewsheen mugs arrived. Albeit a bit embarrassed, Y/n took the clipboard and a pen from the mailman. "Okay, right there?" She asked, gesturing toward the space at the bottom of the paper.

"Yeah." He nonchalantly replied.

She didn't know why, but there was something about the mailman that made her feel off. As she was signing her name, Y/n took a moment to glance at him. He has his blond hair pulled back into a man bun, framing his face with thin eyebrows and a small stubble. His blue eyes are some of the beadiest Y/n has ever seen, giving him an intense gaze that makes it seem like he's always in a bad mood.

Soon, she gives him back the clipboard, but before handing over her package, he scans over the paper carefully. "Y/n," he read the h/c-haired woman's name out loud. "Cute name you got there." He said with a smirk. While she wasn't one to shy away from compliments, there was something about the mailman that rubbed her the wrong way. So, for the time being, Y/n had to curb her attitude and suppress grimacing by offering the blond an awkward smile, though forced.

"Um, thanks...?" She said with furrowed brows.

"Name's Austin. You're new in town, yeah?" He introduced himself.

"Well, yeah," Y/n nodded her head, trying to keep things short and polite. "I moved here a little while ago." She wasn't about to say that she moved in only a month ago because she didn't want to warrant any invitations.

"Ah, that explains it," Austin started which somewhat confused Y/n in the process. "I shoulda known you ain't from 'round here, don't get too many people like you in this town." He smugly explained after noticing the puzzled look on her face.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Nothin'. Just not too many hotties livin' here, ya know?" He replied.

Y/n grimaced. Yup, they're done here. Nevertheless, she still tried to be calm when handling the conversation. "Look, can I have my package now? I really don't have time for this." She stated. She could be expecting company any time now and she really didn't want Jacob seeing all of this.

"Come on, I'm only bein' friendly, nothin' to get bent out of shape about," Austin dismissed her comment. "You should be thankful someone is talkin' to you." He then said under his breath, but it was still loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh, yeah? How so?" She cocked an eyebrow, rightfully offended.

"Don't it get a bit lonesome 'round here? Being new and all?" Austin leans forward and takes a moment to peek inside her house. That son of a bitch, was he trying to see if there was anyone else over? "I can be your first friend." He leans an arm against the doorway, deliberately bringing his body closer to Y/n's. "And if you give me a chance, I can even be your boyfriend—" Then, in the corner of her eye, she sees Austin's free hand slither its way around her waist.

Before she can speak or even hope to spit in his face, someone grabs Austin's shoulder and tugs him away from her. "Hey, are you gonna give her the package or not?" It's Jacob and he was not happy in the slightest as he looked on at the mailman. Austin was nothing more than a bug in Jacob's eyes—a bug that deserves to be stomped out or exterminated in the cruelest way possible for coming between him and Y/n. He's just happy that he got here when he did, who knows what this could've possibly led to.

"Who the hell are you?" Austin scowled at the sight of Jacob intruding on what he believed to be a pleasant conversation.

"That doesn't matter. Give her the package. Now." Jacob demanded.

Austin looks down at Jacob, not moving an inch. "Well, it just so happens that this is the last trip I need to make for the day." He said, matter-of-factly. "I don't mind doin' a little overtime." Austin looked over at Y/n and wiggled his eyebrows. He didn't need to do that because, by his comment alone, Jacob and her both knew what he was insinuating.

"No, thanks." Y/n quickly denied the mailman's advances once more. "My boyfriend and I had some plans." This caused not only Austin's eyes to widen but Jacob's too as he slowly turned her. She... has a boyfriend? "Isn't that right, babe?" Y/n looked expectantly at Jacob, smiling up at him.

That's when Jacob understood. He blinked rapidly, his gaze shifting from Y/n, to Austin, and then back to Y/n. He then cleared his throat before wrapping an arm around the h/c-haired woman possessively, glaring at Austin with thinly veiled hostility. "Yeah. That's right." He nodded his head. He may be shorter than Austin, but Jacob makes up for it in more ways than one.

Austin's smirk falters slightly upon seeing Jacob's death glare before it's quickly replaced by a dirty look. "Alright! Geez... no need to make a scene about it. Relax." He rolled his eyes before carelessly tossing Y/n's package to her, despite the label saying 'fragile'. Sadly, she wasn't quick enough to catch it and the box landed on the ground. She scoffs at his negligence and watches as Austin walks back to his mail truck but before driving off, he looks back at Y/n to give her a wink. "See ya later."

Jacob flips him the bird and as Austin's mail truck rumbles away down the street, Jacob's tense posture relaxes slightly. He watches until the vehicle disappears from view, then pulls away from Y/n, his expression softening with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, thanks to you. That was... so weird."

Jacob's gaze flickers to where Austin's truck had just been, his jaw clenched with lingering frustration. "That guy... I swear, he's always hovering around you like some damn vulture." Jacob takes a step closer to Y/n, his eyes scanning her for any signs of discomfort. "That guy didn't touch you, right?" He suddenly questioned.

"Well, yeah... he did. He had his hand, but I was about ready to push him away but you sorta did that for me."

Jacob is practically shaking at this point. "If that asshole ever bothers you again or crosses a line, you let me know, alright? I'll make sure he backs off for good." He vowed.

Y/n's heart swells with gratitude at Jacob's unwavering support, but she can't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in the back of her mind. "You got it..." she smiled. "Um," she then averted her gaze as she sought to change the subject. "Would you like to come in and get something to drink, or something?" She asked.

"Weren't we going get out of here and grab a bite to eat?"

Fearing the worst, Y/n looked at the time and it took every fiber in her being to not throw an adult tantrum. She feared that this would happen. Since Jacob took so long to get here, it interfered with another thing that she had planned today. "Sorry, now's not a good time..." she grimaced before back at Jacob with an apologetic look. "I have somewhere to be, but thank you for this."

"Yeah... anytime."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

A/n: I am so happy that I was able to publish this chapter because now that Austin has been introduced, the drama can now commence (and more protective & jealous Jacob)!

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