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The day arrived, a radiant sunrise mirroring the joy blooming in my chest

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The day arrived, a radiant sunrise mirroring the joy blooming in my chest. Today, I marry my love. Butterflies danced a frantic ballet in my stomach, each flutter a burst of exhilaration. Nervous energy crackled beneath my skin, but it was overshadowed by a wave of pure, unadulterated excitement. Finally, I get to forever pledge my heart to the person who makes my world complete.


Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the hushed interior of the church. The air hummed with anticipation, a melody woven from hushed whispers, nervous laughter, and the gentle hum of an organ playing a pre-ceremony piece.

Y/n sat alone in the bridal room, the crisp white of her dress a stark contrast to the deep burgundy velvet surrounding her. Her bridesmaids, a cascade of jewel tones and nervous energy, scurried around her, their chatter punctuated by moments of quiet support and shared smiles. But despite the bustling activity, y/n felt an unnerving stillness within her.

Her gaze drifted to a single rose nestled against a crystal vase on the dressing table. Its velvety petals, a vibrant echo of her crimson sash, held memories from earlier that morning. It was the rose her mother had placed in her hand, a silent conversation in a language only they understood. The unspoken words hung heavy in the air - a lifetime of secrets shared, stories whispered, and dreams woven together.

A tremor ran through her as the door creaked open and her father entered. His usual jovial demeanor was subdued, his eyes reflecting a well of unshed tears. He approached her, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek. "My little girl," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "You look...breathtaking."


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With a gentle arm around her waist, her father guided her out of the room and towards the grand oak doors opening to the main hall. As they entered, the music swelled, and she saw the faces of her loved ones - a tapestry of smiles, tears, and hesitant hope. She met Taehyung's gaze at the altar, his own reflecting a nervous anticipation. The expectation, however, couldn't compare to the anxiety that gnawed at her when her father placed her hand on Taehyung's as they stood before him. "Take care of her," her father said, his grin a playful warning to Taehyung. Taehyung's, however, didn't take his eyes off her. "Sure, I will," he uttered, his voice steady despite the tremor in her hand. Leading her towards the stage, he clasped her hand firmly, offering silent support as she fought to walk with composure.

Jimin and Namjoon, her newfound friends, stood behind them. Namjoon offered a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder, a silent understanding passing between them. Jimin, ever the charmer, flashed her a warm smile, prompting a hesitant one in return. They had become close after visiting her room to check on her injured leg. Their easy camaraderie had blossomed into a cherished friendship. She admired Namjoon's quiet strength and found joy in Jimin's infectious optimism.

Reluctant to be just another face in the crowd, the bride's sister stood beside her, obligated to be a bridesmaid due to a lack of other volunteers. Her mind was far from the ceremony; she dreamt of exploring the vibrant city of Bahamas instead of wasting time here. As the priest's words were translated, Y/N turned to her sister, offering the bouquet of calla lilies before refocusing her gaze on Taehyung.

The ceremony unfolded like a beautiful dream, yet each step down the aisle felt like a journey away from the life she knew. The carefully chosen vows, the gleaming rings slipping onto their fingers, the pronouncement of "You may kiss the bride."

Despite the public setting, the kiss is a deeply intimate moment, shared only between the couple, strengthening their bond and connection.There was relief - the ceremony was over, a new chapter was beginning. But there was also a sliver of uncertainty - would she ever truly find happiness in this marriage?

Pulling back, she met Taehyung's eyes. They held understanding, a shared knowledge of the sacrifices they had made. In that moment, a silent promise bloomed between them - a promise to build a future together, brick by emotional brick, woven with the love, support, and memories that came before.

As the music transitioned to a celebratory tune, y/n took Taehyung's hand, ready to embark on their journey together.

After some time we all decided to leave.


Kim mansion

Lily's mom said, "Take her to your room, Taehyung." She approached them and whispered in his ear. He then looked back at his mother and nodded.

A nervous tremor ran through her as they entered the room. "Fuck," he mumbled, the sound barely audible. The sight that greeted them was a scene straight out of a movie - a sea of red roses and balloons overflowing from every corner. Steeling herself, she met his gaze, a nervous flutter in her chest. With a sigh and a muttered curse under her breath, she closed her eyes for a moment.

"Fuckers," he chuckled, stepping further into the room. "They really went all out, huh? You go ahead, I'll be right in." A hesitant nod was his only answer as he slipped out, leaving her alone with the extravagant display.


Y/n pov:-

I approached my suitcase and unzipped it. To my surprise, it only contained revealing nightwear. "Ugh, my sister! Why did I ask her to pack my bags?" Sighing, I grabbed the red one and headed for the bathroom to shower. Nervousness fluttered in my stomach as I imagined wearing this dress in front of my husband.


Stepping out of the bathroom, I found myself suddenly pinned against the wall by Taehyung.

"You smell amazing," he murmured, his head dipping near my neck to inhale.

"Taehyung, what's going on?" I stammered, nerves tingling and my heart threatening to explode.

He slowly stepped back, leaning against the wall for support. "I don't know," he confessed. "I suddenly feel incredibly hot. Like I can't control myself."

Concern flooded me. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" I asked, reaching out to touch his forehead.

But he caught my hand, his grip gentle yet firm. Pulling me closer, he placed his other hand on my waist, effectively eliminating any space between us.

"You look incredible in that red nightwear," Taehyung murmured, his cheeks flushed. "I can't help myself." His voice was husky, a stark contrast to his usual playful tone. "I need you. It's tearing me apart, especially seeing you like this, on our first night together."

A wave of shock washed over me. "Taehyung, this isn't right," I whispered, a tremor in my voice. "Why?"

"Because I have a girlfriend?" He sighed, his frustration evident. "Screw her. Screw everyone else. It's you I want." The intensity in his eyes was undeniable. "We broke up anyway."

My breath hitched. Despite the guilt gnawing at me, the heat between us was undeniable. My lips parted slightly as I felt the warmth of his breath ghost across my face...


Next part will be smuts? Ig so.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram :- ttaetheic

And on wattpad :- ttaelxst


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