First night

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Our lips met in a searing kiss, a silent plea for something deeper

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Our lips met in a searing kiss, a silent plea for something deeper. The intensity built, a wildfire consuming us both. The world dissolved into the heat of our kiss, a slow burn that morphed into a desperate yearning for each other.

But then, we pulled away, foreheads resting, a breathless silence settling between us. His next words sent a jolt through me.

"I've always loved you," he whispered, sending a shockwave through me. he confessed, his voice raw with emotion. The world spun on a tilted axis. 

"What?" I choked out, disbelief warring with a flicker of a long-dormant hope. "Yes, love," he continued, his gaze searching mine. A million questions swirled in my head. Why didn't he say anything sooner? Does he even know how much this hurts?
cupping my face. My body recoiled from the touch. Why? Why Jessica? The question hammered in my head, a relentless drumbeat. Anger flared, burning away the last vestiges of hope.

"Then why, damn it, why were you with Jessica?!. Do you even have a clue how I felt watching you with her?"
Shame flickered across his face.

"Because," he began, his voice laced with regret, "in the beginning, Jessica was being bullied by everyone. She needed help, and I couldn't just leave her hanging."

So he became her hero, I thought, a bitter scoff escaping my lips. While I pined in silence. Anger, hot and acrid, bubbled up within me. "So you just agreed to be her knight in shining armor?" I spat, the words dripping with sarcasm. "Did you even consider my feelings?"

The question hung heavy in the air, a silent accusation. A suffocating silence followed, stretching into what felt like an eternity. Did he not care? The thought hammered in my head, a relentless drumbeat. Unable to bear the weight of it any longer, I turned away, my back rigid with a mix of anger and a flicker of something else, something I couldn't quite define. A silent wall rose between us, a physical manifestation of the emotional chasm that had opened up.

Just then, his arms encircled me in a sudden embrace. His warmth seeped into my skin, his breath tickling my neck. It was a confusing mixture of arousing and unsettling. "I know," he muttered, his voice laced with regret.

"I messed up, big time. But please, wify," he whispered, the nickname sending a jolt through me, "let me make it up to you. Tonight, I'll make you the happiest person alive." The promise in his voice was undeniable, yet a knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach. Happiness sounded good, but could it erase the hurt and confusion lingering within me?

 Happiness sounded good, but could it erase the hurt and confusion lingering within me?

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