Lets Explore Part 2 Of Where Are We?

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Let's Explore Part 2 of Where Are We?

Meeting In Rivendell

Scott: Any information on how they got here, me and fWhip have searched for the code and nothing…

fWhip: And we’ve both check our Empire for information…

Gem: Nothing in the Crystal Cliffs…

Sausage: Mythland clear, Bubbles even checked if the Rift was effecting Season 10 of Hermitcraft and nothing, and she also checked you know where…

Pearl: Nothing.

Joel: Ocean Empire and Mazelia are clear!

Shelby: The Undergrove and House of Blossom are clear!

Jimmy: Cod Empire clear!

Pix: All clear as well…

Joey: Yeah I checked, even Xor and Cory checked and nothing….

Scott: {Sighs, standing up his wings opening a spell appearing in his hand} Please not be what I’m thinking it is….

fWhip: What?

Scott: You’ll see! {Mutters the spell}

Gem: {Ears twitch, and mutter to fWhip} That’s a strong spell he’s doing…

Scott: {Lets the spell go}

The spell goes in circles around the group then goes up looking like a galaxy then shows the Ancient City…

Scott: Looks still dormant, that’s good…

Grian: You where thinking it could have been the portal?

Scott: Yeah, it might just be the factor that another one of our members has join Hermitcraft!

Joel: Not My Fault!

Scott: No blame is going towards you Joel…In that said Dismissed, keep up to date with everyone and report anything weird….

After Most of the Rulers Left…

Gem: Scott…

Scott: Yes Gem?

Gem: Scott we all know you're worried….why?

Scott: I think this is the watcher doing…. {Pushes hi voidrian strain in his hair so it’s not visible}

Jimmy: {Goes over to him} Scott, we can’t jump to conclusions…

Scott: {Looks to Jimmy, his wings shift slightly} How can’t we? The watchers have been trying to break into Empire for a while, not as long as Hermitcraft, but still… They even tried back in season 2! The barrier we put up might be more unstable now…

Grian: Scott…you know something more…

Scott: {Wings shift and he grabs a feather and hands it to Grian} I’ll text you more info for now, may you all have a good day! {He bows then gets ready to fly off}

Jimmy: Scott!

Scott: {Goes over to Jimmy and kisses his check} I’ll talk to you later, I promise…but I really just need some time ok…

Jimmy: Ok…

Scott: {Smiles lightly then flies off}

Jimmy: … {His canary wings shift, and his communicator appears}

Rancher Messages

Canary: Tango!
Flame: How the meeting go?

Canary: Scott flew off…

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