Chapter 10

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"Jin!" Jungkook said when he saw Jin coming out from the staff door.

"Jeon! Why are you here?"

"How are you?" Jungkook asked.

"I am doing good. What happened? Why are you suddenly here?" Jin asked, surprised to see Jungkook after a week.

"Let's go drink?" Jungkook asked.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." Jungkook said. "You're good for a drink, right?"

Jin looked back at the staff room door. "Y-yes, sure. Let me just message Taehyung." He said and took out his phone to send a message. After ensuring that the message was sent, he nodded at Jungkook. "Let's go." He said and smiled at Jungkook.

They went to the same pocha they have visited before and Jungkook ordered food and soju.

"What brings you here again, Jeon?" Jin asked.

"I just wanted to see you."

"What is happening? You don't just barge in without a news."

Jungkook sighed. "My relationship is a mess. Everyone around me knows that. Even Yoongi and Hoseok do not like Taemin as before because of everything that happened to us."

Jin poured him soju and said. "What happened to you and Taemin?"

"I don't know. It's just that... I can't explain it. I would usually run back to him when we fight. I do everything and later I would find out he has another person in his mind but will run after me when I stop talking to him. This time, I can't push myself to do so."

"Oh, I---well, I don't think that's a problem. I think that's freedom." Jin said after drinking his own shot glass.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you still looking forward to fix what you have despite of your toxic relationship?" Jin asked.

"I--I t-think so. I built my world around him. I don't even think I would ever love someone or anyone aside from him. Yoongi would always say I am a playboy, I do one night only thing---"

Jin choked on his drink and coughed loudly when Jungkook said the last sentence.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that---"

"It's okay."

"But, yeah, something like that but I changed when Taemin and I dated. I only wanted him for a long time and only had you...I mean... well..."

"I know I'm irresistible. Don't mention it." Jin said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes on him. "That's not what I actually meant, but okay."

Jin glared at him.

"I was just kidding!" Jungkook said laughing at Jin's reaction. He turned serious again and said "I just needed this, I don't even know why I am not at his door right now, hoping to have him back."

"Maybe you are not inlove anymore. Maybe you just got used to it because you've already built something in your head. Give yourself a time away from him and maybe you would realize that it's not really worth it." Jin said as he ate the food Jungkook ordered while having a drink of his own soju.

"Why are you so good with this?"


"How can you give me some advice when you haven't even been in a relationship yet?"

Jin just laughed at him as he poured himself another glass of soju.

"Tomorrow is your day-off, right?" Jungkook asked.

"What a good memory!" Jin said amazed that Jungkook still remembers that.

"Let's go to Jeju." Jungkook said and Jin almost spilled his soju on him.

"Come on! It will be fun! I have a private plane we can use."


"Yes! We can buy clothes there. What do you say?"

Jin drank his soju again. He shook his head and said, "you're not in your right mind but I like it. Let me just do a phone call." Jin said and went out the pocha to make calls.

Jungkook looked at him and suddenly he feels happy and contented.

"Okay, Jeon. I'm ready." Jin said excitedly said after 10minutes and Jungkook already paid for their food and drinks.

Jungkook quickly held his hand and happily pulled him away from the pocha as they ran towards his car.

"This will be fun." He whispered as they continue running towards his car.


Jin was in awe as he saw the private plane of Jungkook.

"Wow! Do you really own this?" He asked.

"Yup! I own everything that are named under the Jeons. I am that rich, Jin." He said as if enticing Jin.

Jin rolled his eyes. "As if that made a difference. You are still single."

"Wow! Look who's talking." Jungkook said but Jin did not comment, instead he just went up to the plane when it was opened by a cabin crew.

"I would be travelling at all times if I have a private plane like this." Jin said as he scanned the inside of the plane.

"Just tell me where you want to go next time and I'll be happy to take you wherever." Jungkook said.

"Really?" Jin asked but then pouted realizing somethinf. "Nah! I don't think I can afford it anyway." He said then sat in his chosen seat.

"Well, you have a rich friend."

"Aww, will you be my sugar daddy?" Jin said jokingly but Jungkook was a bit taken by it. Seeing Jungkook's reaction, Jin laughed at him.

Jungkook realizing what happened, rolled his eyes again at Jin's tactics before sitting accross Jin.

After few minutes, the flight attendant provided instructions for their flight and Jungkook watched how Jin diligently listened. He thought that he is so cute and innocent.

When they were about to depart, Jin hooked his seatbelt and looked at Jungkook who was almost falling asleep.

"Yah!" Jin shouted and Jungkook looked at him.

"What?" Jungkook asked with a surprise look on Jin.

"Wear your seatbelt!" Jin said.

"Whatever." He said but wore it anyway.

It was not Jin's first time to ride a plane. He remember riding one when his parents were still alive but it is his first time for years. The last time he rode one was when he was 12. Their whole family had their vacation in Daegu where his parents are originally from. He looked outside and he saw the night lights of Seoul. He never thought it will be this fun flying again.

Eversince he took responsibility of being a parent to Taehyung, he never experienced anything like this, nor feel the freedom from anything. But now, above the clouds, he can feel that he is suddenly free.

He just looked outside until his eyes are slowly drooping, as he was succumbed by his body's tiredness and wants to rest.

He realized this is the most relaxed time that he ever felt since he was 18. The first time in years.

Jungkook watched him fall asleep as he saw how child Jin can be despite of trying to be mature. This man accross him looks to have suffered a lot already that simple things can already make him happy.

He relaxed on his seat as he saw Jin closed his eyes, unable to resist his drowsiness. Jungkook thought it's also time for him to sleep for an hour or two and so he also closed his eyes.

✅ Completed: That NightWhere stories live. Discover now