Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Gisela POV.

       We arrive at the venue a bit late, I look to my left where Lenard is standing confidently in his black tux which matches my black halter neck body con gown with my angel blue purse matching his eyes and my hair packed in a bun.

Its our two years wedding anniversary and Lenard wants everything to be perfect,  one of the main reasons we are late,  I wrap my hand in his shoulder and he leans closer to me as we walk out if the car with our face full of smiles.

Practiced smiles of course, neither of can say he or she is happy to be at this event as we both know that since we got married, we have never really been happy.

The paparazzi flash at us aggressively as we make our way into the hall.

" can you tell us about the two years of your marriage?, "

" does your wife really love you? "

" we heard she is not the real Chesca  Rivera,  is the rumor true? "

" are you barren Mrs Luca?,  if not why are you still not pregnant after two years?, "

" are you cheating on your husband Mrs Luca?, "

I try my best to ignore them but their words can't help but get to me.


Do they know how much I am going through just because i love Lenard!.  Well they don't.

Lenard wraps his hand around my waist,  his face remains stoic, Probably getting in his role of a protective husband as usual.

" just a few words please, "

" my wife fertility or infertility has nothing to do with the media. " Lenard replies with a stoic expression ,  I almost scoff.  as if he's ever touched me since we got married.

" and about that,  I am sure my wife loves me more than I love her,  isn't that right love, " he smiles at me lovingly  and I nod.

" of course hubby,  I love you more than you love me, " I  chuckle And tiptoe to kiss his lip a little then I pull back,  that should be enough show for the paparazzi,  but just as I am about to look away,  Lenard shock me with a kiss,  he kisses me so intensely that I find myself lost for sometime.

We pull back when we hear someone clear their throat.

" do you plan on having a make out session in front of the camera?, " Gomez his best friend asks behind us.

" yes if possible, " I reply and Lenard chuckles,  I then turn to the paparazzi. I don't want us to act or say too much,  it will look like we are trying to make them think we are in live which is exactly what we are trying to do.

So I turn to Lenard.

" I think I want a baby now,  after all you were the one who told me you wanted us to enjoy ourselves before having children,  now because if it people think I am cheating in you, "  I say below whisper but enough for them to ear, he can't put all the blame on me when he hasn't even touched me before.

I wipe a lone tear from my face.

" sorry darling, I shouldn't have done that, " he whispers back then he kisses my head and turns to the paparazzi.  " you are making my wife uncomfortable,  if you love your job and your life,  I trust you know what to and what not  to say about my wife because you will not only be losing your job but your everything, " Lenard warns with his most calm expression while I look down trying to not seem pitiful but i can feel the tears threatening to fall,  I hate this,  The fact that all of this is limited to just the media.

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