Chapter 28:

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Chapter 28:

          My eyes shutters open in fright, I quickly survey my surrounding to be sure if my dream is real or not. I just had a dream of me drowning in my bathtub and the one trying to kill me was none other than my foster father.

Tears gather in my eyes, I lean against the headboard with my palm covering my eyes, I don't know how long I cry till my room door swings open, I look at the distraction and it turns out to be Lenard with a worried expression on his face the moment he notices my teary eyes.

He must have had no idea I was crying, " hey, are you alright?, " he asks sitting by my bedside, I shake my head.

" it's going to be alright, " he mutters pulling me to his chest, I let him as my tears turns into a sob, I cry so hard that my body stars shaking vigorously.

Never have I ever had a dream so disrupting and real, I felt like I was really drowning. Its so scary.

" shh, you are going to BR alright., " he continues whispering as he rubs soothing circles on my back, he kisses my forehead lightly.

Thirty minutes later and I am whimpering shallowly but my sob is under control.

" do you wanna talk about it?, " Lenard asks handing me a tissue.
I look up at him and my eyes tears up again for a reason I can't really put my hand on.

" hey, hey, you don't have to if you don't want to, " he quickly counters as he cups my cheek, I hold his gaze for a few seconds before I look away.

" why are you here, " I decide to ask questions instead.

" to check up on you, " he states pulling me back to his chest by my waist.

" you didn't have to, " I whisper.
" no, I had to and I am glad I did, "

'I am glad you did too' I say within me, then I scoot closer to him and place my head on his chest. " thank you, "
"My pleasure, " then we both turn to silence, it is not the uncomfortable type though.

I find myself feeling happy for his new side, it makes me smile to know that my one month stay here will at least be filled with some peaceful moments.

" are you alright?, " Lenard wonders.

" yeah, though I am a little bit hungry and my eyes are groogy, " i tell him.

" what would you like to eat then?, "

" I don't know but I think I left some cake in the freezer, I can have that just to fill my stomach a little cause I feel like I can eat a whale, " I mutter.

Lenard chuckles, " that explains why we have been buying more food than needed recently, "

" and what do you mean by that?, "

" nothing, but the cake you are talking about is already gone, I ate it, "

" you did what?!!!, " I almost shout.
" whoa, calm down lady, that was four days ago you know, "

" no, why would you eat my cake?, do you know how much it took me to get that cake!, I had to beat up someone for it, " I continue shouting as I recall that horrible day I almost died.

thank you Jesus that I am still alive.

The fourty minutes walk, fighting a wannabe, insult from Lenard, taking too much sleeping pill and almost drowning to death.

Remind me to never take sleeping pills again.

" you are such an evil man, i really wanted that cake yet after everything, you just took it away from me, " and guess what?, I am already crying.

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