Chapter 31:

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Chapter 31:

        The girls already left for their respective houses, seeing my mood which is as sour as... Lemon?, no, something more sour.

" Gisela, " Ally calls. " are you alright?, " she inquires.

" I am fine," i reply absentmindedly. I have been walking around the house like a robot since I awoke this morning, I know I already decided to keep my baby but,a certain part of me fears the worse.

Am I really worthy of the privilege God has given me?.

Am I going to make a good mother or will my child turn out to hate me because I ruined it's like, truth be told, I am scared, scared of what Lenard will do when he finds out the contraceptives actually didn't work.

He would think I planed it. I groan.

I have to leave, it's the only way I can keep myself and my baby safe.

As I am brooding on how to keep on living my life, a hand snakes itself around my waist, I don't need to turn around or ask to know who it is, the scent of his masculine cologne gives him away.

"Good morning baby, " he says rubbing my stomach, for a moment, my heart goes still and I am ready to go on my knees just to beg for my child's life, but I manage to control myself.

" Good morning, " I reply, he kisses my neck sweetly.

" are you alright?, I have been standing behind you for minutes but you didn't even notice me, is something wrong, " he demands.

"No, everything is alright, " I whisper.

Lenard sighs, he turns me around to face him. " look, if its about everything I did to you, i know you have all the right to be angry, but don't keep it in. Let out your anger and you will feel better, " his blue eyes draws me in as he speak.

" I hate you, " I groan, " i hate you so much that I never want to see you again,. Stay away from me. If you really feel guilty, then please stay away. " i don't shed a tear this time, no matter how much I love or care for him, my child and pride will always come first, especially with everything he has put me through.

Lenard smiles, " I deserve it, but I can't let you go just yet, you are after all still my wife, "

I look away from him.

" let's go on a date tonight, we have never been on a date before, "

" we weren't meant to be, " I snap.

Lenard sighs, " be ready at 6 or I swear I will take you with me launched on my shoulder like a bag of sack, " he warns and. God. He looks attractive.

I lick my lip.

" you will be late for work, " I say seeing him already dressed.

" no, have you forgotten that your husband is the rich and powerful owner of his own company. Hm?. I can be there any time I want. "

" I don't care, just leave, " I growl.

" fine, fine, I will go. Gosh Gisela, you don't have to growl. I am off, " he releases me but not before stealing a kiss from my lip.

"You... You... You... You are such a cheat, " I accuse.

" your lip looks too enticing to Ignore. Jesus. I wonder how I have spent those years without this lip of yours, " he picks up his suitcase and walks away.

I sigh, then I head to the room to get dressed for work, the kids must miss me a lot, especially my baby.


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