Chapter 41:

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Chapter 41:

      I haven't spoken to Lenard since I woke up this morning especially since I woke up but he wasn't on the bed with me, he really spent the night outside.

" I am off, " Lei says grabbing her bag.

" oh, okay, have a good night then, see you tomorrow, "

" night, " she walks away.

With a sigh, I also change into my dress at the locker room, then I head out and lock the door, when I turn back to leave.

Two men walk out of a car and heads straight towards me.

" we are closed for tonight, " I tell them putting my key in my bag and my hand on my huge stomach.
The men seem to ignore my word, instead they stand beside me.
" we will need you to come with us please, " one of them says.

" what, I can't do that, I don't even know you guys, " I counter.
The men exchange looks, " you don't need to know who we are, just do as we say, " one with tattoos on his face says giving me a little shove.

My heart leaps in my chest, " o-okay, " I drop my bag on the floor and they lead me to the tainted car, there is no way I can call for help at this time of the night, there are several open shops around but the fear of what they will do to me, I gulp and walk into the car gently.

They hop in beside me and the one inside begins driving.

" er, excuse me, c-can you please tell m where we are going?, " I ask.

But the strange men remains quiet.

We drive to a place I have never been, when they pull over, we hop out, I had thought they would take me to some murder house or some uncompleted building where they would kill me, surprisingly its a mansion.

" where is this place?, " I ask in awe with a little smile, it's crazy to imagine myself being calm in this situation, the goofy men don't reply me, instead they lead me to the house.

As we walk by the snake shaped fountain, I notice many other guys like the dudes behind me, they are all in black and the look on their faces doesn't seem to be the most pleasant one ever.

We are almost at the entrance of the house when a sharp pain shots me in both my chest and my tummy.

I groan but not loudly, the pain is so intense that I grab the shoulder of the man with the tattoo, he looks at me angrily but I don't release him.

"I-, " words seems to die in my throat.

The men stop, they help me steady gently till the pain reliefs me, " thank you, " I say holding my stomach.
They don't reply instead they continue leading me into the mansion.

When we arrive in the living room, they help me sit on the couch then one of them brings me a glass of water.

" thank you, " I thank him, he nods then they both exit the room.
I let out a deep breath of pain as my stomach hurts me a little slightly.

I wonder if anyone notices I am missing, I deliberately threw my bag on the floor so that anyone who sees it will try to look for me and if they can't find me, at least will know that I am missing or something.

Maybe I shouldn't have fought with Lenard last night and got him angry, at least he would have been with me when I got kidnapped.

A man walks into the living room, I don't seem to have ever seen him before, I quickly stand to my feet.

" you are the one who asked those men to kidnap me, "

The man nods, " you should seat, it's will be wrong of me to make you stand with your belly this huge wouldn't it!, " he sits and crosses his legs together.

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