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The bus finally arrived at the hotel. It was a huge, cozy-looking building with a traditional japanese exterior, complete with a huge banner that read WELCOME TEAMS. Four other buses were lined up in the parking lot, each one themed with its own colour. While the Sumeru bus was a pastel green, the one labeled Mondstadt was a mix of teal and white, Fontaine was light blue, Liyue was a standard yellow, and Inazuma was purple.

"Why's Inazuma's bus here?" Kaveh asked. "We're, like, literally in Inazuma."

"It's probably because the Inazuma team didn't want to feel left out." Alhaitham said in a sassy tone. Like, pop off king. "Duh."

"Fucking jerk." Kaveb muttered under his breath, just audible enough that the other boy could hear but out of earshot from Nahida. I can't believe I'll be sharing a room with this annoyingly hot man for a whole month.

Wait, what?

Kaveh blinked, surprised by his own thoughts. He scowled at Alhaitham, taking in his bare, muscular arms and defined jawline. His foresty green eyes accentuated his blood-red pupils, creating an intimidating look. His mouth was always drawn back in a scowl, but Kaveh would occasionally catch him smiling at his phone. What was he smiling at? A text from his girlfriend?

Ain't no way that crusty musty jerk has a girlfriend. Cause he's fucking ugly. Kaveh got rid of all his thoughts from earlier and followed his team off the bus.

And to clarify one thing because I forgot to do it in the first chapter, the regionals will last one month, cuz i can't fit everything that happens in this fic in just two days. So we're unrealistically stretching the time!!!!!!!!!!! teehee

When they entered the hotel, Nahida skipped off to yap with the other coaches about sleeping arrangements or whatever, because apparently there were some issues with the rooms for the girls. In the Sumeru Spinokroks, it was only the boys doubles that managed to come to the regionals, but it seemed like there was a fair share of girls and mixed doubles from the other teams.

From Liyue, there were two girls and two boys. Both of the boys were pretty damn short, one being only a few inches taller than Tighnari and Cyno bc they were short af as well and the other being a little shorter. The shorter one had dark teal hair with lighter undertones and a lean, twinky build just like Cyno. his name was Xiao, and the girls name...will be revealed later.

"Why tf do all the men here look gay?" Cyno muttered. "That shortie (who's like a centimetre shorter than me) over there looks gayer than Kaveh, and that's saying something."

"Dude don't act like we didn't see you and your furry boyfriend cuddle on the way here." Kaveh retorted immediately, causing Tighnari and Cyno to turn red and look away.

The other boy had weirdass hair and weirdass bangs that were probably cut by a triangular protractor and gold eyes. One of the two girls wore glasses and had chest-length wavy red hair, and the other lowkey looked like a funeral director. Who knows, maybe she was. Their names were xingqiu and Hu Tao.

From Mondstadt, there were three men and one girl. As Alhaitham went over to one of the couches in the lounging area to sit down, he accidentally bumped into the girl because, like all the other characters, she was fucking short and he couldn't see her.

"My bad." Althaitham apologized shortly.

"All good." The girl, who had short brown hair and bleached undersides, fixed the glasses that were perched on her nose.

"gASp P-P-P-PATRICIA IS THIS GUY BULLYING YOU? DO YOU NEED A BIG STRONG MAN TO SAVE YOU?" one of the guys that was with the girl ran over, his vibrant pink hair flying in front of his face. He had an extremely feminine face, possibly even more that Kaveh and that was legit humanly impossible.

Patricia, as it seemed the girl's name was, clicked her tongue. "No, he just apologized for bumping into me. And you hardly qualify as a man, you bitchass femboy."

The boy seemed unhurt by her remarks and stood in front of her, staring up at Alhaitham's big tits. "Back off, scoundrel!"

The two other boys from Mondstadt came over. One of them had tanned skin and blue hair, and the other was pale with red hair. "lol is chigiri tryna be a alpha sigma male again" the guy with blue hair snorted (yes, Chigiri from blue lock)

"B-b-b-back off, kaeya! I can handle this on my own!" Chigiri stuttered like a y/n. Kaeya, and the other boy, whose name was diluc, snorted and walked away.

While Alhaitham dealt with the crazy Mondstadt kid, the other Sumeru students had their attention pulled away by the Fontaine Bubbles, who were just entering the hotel. There were three girls - one with curly blond hair and a huge hat for some reason, one with pale blue hair, and one with pink hair and weird looking bangs like the liyue guy. And there was only one guy - some tall dude that lowkey looked like he could be more of an alpha sigma than the ginger twink (chigiri) that was picking a fight with Alhaitham. Their names were Navia, Furina, Wriosthely (how tf do you spell his name), and Charlotte.

And i'm gonna skip over the Inazuma cuz im running out of creative describing skills. Just know that the people attending were Ayato, Ayaka, Tomo, and Kazuha.

"Ok people get your stuff and head up to your rooms. Here's your keys. And like I said before, you guys will be with your partner!!!!!! so don't go switching!!!!!!!!!! cuz i'll kick your ass!!!!!!!!!" Nahida said cheerfully, coming over and handing the boys their keys. "You guys can have the rest of the day off. Go have some dinner. I'll be room 3.14159265358."

Kaveh and Alhaitham's room was on the third floor, while Tighnari and Cyno were on the ground floor. Which meant that they needed to take the elevator. Together.

They entered the elevator grumbling and cursing each other, trying to step on each other's toes. Two more people entered after them - the red-haired girl from Liyue and Patricia from Mondstat.

"Grey-haired grandpa" Kaveh muttered

"Femboy french-fry" Alhaitham grumbled

Patricia and the Liyue girl shuffled awkwardly.

"Wrinkles i could play the guitar with" Kaveh continued

"Goofy ahh architect"


I can't believe I need to be with this man, they both thought angrily.

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