Chapter 3

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The day had gone without a hitch, and I was walking home. The moon was starting to rise. When I did arrive home, my big sister, Hikari, was making dinner.

"Did you make any new friends?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" I responded in confidence.

Hikari-nee-san seemed surprised. "You're very quiet, so it's a bit of a shock, to me, that you actually made a friend," she exclaimed, "what's their name?"

"Asami is her name," I replied, "And do be surprised, Nee-san. New place, new me."

Hikari-nee-san was more surprised now. "It's a she?" She asked in shock, "I don't know how you manage that."

"Me either, she was speaking in an odd accent*, so understanding her was a bit tough," I replied.


"She might be saying the same thing to her family," she laughed. My sister is pretty odd. For a college student, she's quite jokey; a stark contrast to me.

The next day started and I immediately hopped on my bike. I don't wanna be late on my second day, do I? As I was speeding along the path, I shot by a shorter blue-haired girl, who seemed to be lost. She was wearing the same high school uniform as Asami and the other girls at school, so she was probably a student there.

"You lost, miss? What class are you in?" I asked.

The girl responded, "Do you go to Melody High? You have the uniform."

"Yeah, I do. Kazuya Takahashi, class 1-3," I firmly responded, "What's your name and where are you from? You don't seem to be from around here."

"Akua Enatsu. I'm in class 1-1. I'm from Vermillion City, so school is a bit far. I gotta take the train and everything," the girl told me, "I usually take a shorter path, but I'm trying a new path today, and I've gotten lost. Mind helping me?"

"Actually, this is the route I take to school every day, school is just the next right, then straight ahead," I told her. I lead Akua to school, riding my bike slowly. It was pretty boring along the way, so she started to sing. Her singing voice was beautiful. I don't have the greatest singing voice, I don't even know if I can sing, so I just enjoyed her voice.

Class was English; my worst enemy. 50 minutes of weird words I couldn't understand at all. I was glad when classes were over because that meant I could hang out with Asami and Akua, the latter of which brought a friend from her class.

"Hi, who're you two?" the white-haired boy asked. Asami and I introduced each other. The boy introduced himself as Yutaro Watanabe.

"I'm not in any clubs, what clubs are you in?" he asked.

"Oh, the two of us aren't in any clubs either," Asami replied.

Akua told us that she wasn't in any clubs, too. Later, we all went to eat dinner at Yutaro's house. His father runs a local food business.

"Thank you for the food, Mr. Watanabe," I said.

"Don't mention it," Yutaro's dad replied, "Think of it as a special treat."

Afterwards, it was time to head home. I noticed a car in the garage, but because it was so dark at the time, I couldn't make out what car it was. My sister owns a car, but she drives way too wild with it. I'm surprised she hasn't crashed yet. 

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