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Lily drapes a white sheet over a armchair. She pours paint into a trough and begins to paint the walls. Esther walks into the room.

Esther: What are you doing, darling?

Lily: Lighter or dark?

Esther: Whatever you prefer then it's okay with me. Why are you painting this room in the middle of the night?

Lily: I know we haven't talk about it yet but I figured it wouldn't hurt to be ready for-----it's gonna be a nursery.

Esther smiles wrapping her arms around her waist, resting her chin on her shoulder

Esther: That's a marvelous idea, my love.

She presses her lips to her cheek.

Lily smiles looking over her shoulder and kisses her lips

Lily: I love you

Esther: I love you too, Lily Flower.


The doorbell rings at the Gilbert house. Jeremy answers the door. Klaus is outside.

Jeremy: What the hell do you want?

Klaus: Now is that any way to treat a guest?

Esther walks down the stairs

Esther: What are you doing here, Niklaus?

Klaus: Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite me inside.

Esther steps in front of Jeremy

Esther: Head upstairs. Now

Jeremy sighs and walks up the stairs

Klaus: Poor lad. Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by you, mother. I know all about your invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgänger.

Esther: Turn around and walk away and do not go anywhere near my wife ever again, Niklaus or I will make your life an endless nightmare of torture.

She slams the door right in his face. She heads upstairs into the bedroom but Lily isn't anywhere in sight. Jeremy is in the room moving a paintbrush up and down the wall

Esther: Where's Lily?

Jeremy: I don't know. She was just in here a second ago.


Elena and Lily walks into the school walking down the hallway, looking around. They hears Caroline crying and runs towards the noise. They enters Alaric's classroom and sees Caroline.

Elena: Caroline.

Lily: Let her go, Alaric!

Alaric: [Points towards Caroline] Free her yourself.

They stare at each other. Then, Lily cautiously walks over to Caroline. She gets down and strokes Caroline's arm soothingly. She starts to gently pull the pencil out of one of Caroline's hands, but Alaric comes up and slams the pencil back down into her hand. Caroline screams

Elena: You said that you would let her go!

Alaric: How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!

He dips the cloth that was in Caroline's mouth into a beaker of vervain. The skin around Caroline's mouth is very red and appears to have peeled away.

Lily: Alaric, stop!

He pushes her back down into a chair

Alaric: Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razorblades with every breath.

Alaric puts the cloth back in Caroline's mouth. Her skin begins to smoke and burn. She cries and screams in pain. Elena touches her arm.

Elena: Why are you doing this?

Alaric: To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery.

Alaric picks up the white oak stake and walks towards Elena

Elena: What?!

Lily: No!

Alaric: Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?

He holds out the white oak stake towards her.

Alaric: Well, here's a vampire, Elena. Kill her.

Elena: This isn't what I want.

Alaric: Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger, you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart.

Stefan and Klaus pull up to the school's parking lot in Klaus' car. They get out and Stefan receives a text.

Stefan: Abby just showed up.

Klaus: Good. Perhaps this plan won't be an epic failure after all. You know, if this does go off and we drop the history teacher in the Atlantic, I'm still leaving with Elena.

Stefan: I'll go with you.

Klaus: Really? What's the catch?

Stefan: There's nothing in this town for me anymore and let's face it, Elena will always choose me over her family. You want Caroline all to yourself. Drain her of vervain and compel her to fall in love with you or just threaten to kill Tyler if she doesn't be with you

Klaus: I love how your mind works, Stefan. But if I leave then my mother gets her happy ending and I don't want that to happen.

Stefan: And no way in hell do I want Lily to get her happy ending. Traitors don't deserve a happy ending. You grab Elena and we'll leave this town for good.

Klaus: What if Damon tries to stop you?

Stefan: Then I'll kill him.


Lily runs out of the room and runs down the hallway when a hand grabs hers and pins her against the wall, a hand covers her mouth.

Esther: Shh, it's me. It's okay. It's okay.

She takes her hand off her mouth. Lily throws her arms around her neck sobbing into the crook of her neck, Esther runs her hand through her hair

Esther: It's okay. You're safe. They'll save Elena. Let's get you straight home. Let's go, baby.

She grabs Lily's hand the couple takes off running down the hallway towards the exit.


Esther grabs a tea pot off the stove and pours the tea into a cup, placing it down in front of Lily who's sitting at the counter.

Esther: Here. You need this.

Lily lifts the cup to her lips taking a sip. Esther runs her fingers through her hair, smiling lovingly at her.

Lily: I want a baby.

Esther sits down beside her, grabbing her hands in hers raising them to her lips pressing her lips to her knuckles.

Esther: Then that's what we shall do, my love. We will have one of our own.

Lily: I love you

Esther: I love you more, Lily Flower.

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