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Esther peppers Lily's face with sweet open mouthed kisses making her groan in her sleep, swatting her away

Lily: Leave me alone!

Esther smirks as she plants a kiss between Lily's breasts then seals her lips around one of Lily's nipples, swirling her tongue around it.

Lily moans softly, biting down on her bottom lip

Esther: I love the sounds you make, baby.

Lily chuckles. Esther lifts her head up and hooks her finger under her chin lifting her head up kissing her lips.

Lily: I like you calling me baby. It's usually "darling", "Lily Flower", or "My Love".

Esther: I guess you're rubbing off on

They peck each other on the lips, Lily wraps her legs around Esther's waist, roaming her hands up her back.

Esther: Have you started on the list of names?

Lily: I got about a million choices. I want it to be perfect. This is our baby.

Esther: Whatever you decide, I know I will love it. Just as much as I love you, Lily Flower

Lily: I love you, baby

Esther: I love you too.


Lily is walking down the hallway when Rebekah rises up behind her, grabbing her by her hair and slams her up against the lockers knocking her out

April: Why did you do that?

Rebekah: She and my mother has turned Kol against his family and----

She gasps when she hears the faint sound of a heartbeat coming from Lily's stomach

Rebekah: Oh my God

April: What?

Rebekah: She's pregnant.


Lily snaps her eyes open raising her head up looking around the table seeing Caroline, Elena, and Stefan around the table

Lily: What the hell is going on?

Caroline: Lil, are you okay?

Lily: No, my head fucking hurts.

She narrows her eyes glaring at Stefan

Lily: Great. I'm struck with you. Goodie

Stefan rolls his eyes

Rebekah walks into the library

Rebekah: Class is in session. You've all been compelled; you know the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learnt, thanks to yours truly, about a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what, Elena?

Elena: A map.

Rebekah: Which led to...? Caroline?

Caroline: A cure for vampirism.

Rebekah: Perfect, so we're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you also found the cure, and yet, you're all still vampires, which means something went wrong.

Lily lets out a scoff and rolls her eyes

Rebekah: Lily, why don't you tell them your secret?

Elena and Caroline looks at Lily in confusion

Elena: Lily, what's she talking about?

Caroline: What secret?

Lily: I'm------I'm----I'm----

Rebekah: Our dear old Lily is pregnant by my mother.

Elena and Caroline's eyes widens in shock as they look at Lily who looks down. Stefan simply smirks

Stefan: See, Elena, Caroline? She's the enemy. She's carrying a Mikaelson

Lily: Hagen, dumbass. Lily Gilbert-Hagen

Stefan: Whatever. Doesn't mean anything, you'll always be the enemy in my eyes, bitch and Caroline loves me, she'll take my side. Ain't that right, baby?

Elena: Stefan.......but....

Stefan: I don't love you no more, Elena. You chose Damon over me. You're sired to him. You slept with him. You're nothing to me

Caroline: Shut up, Stefan.

Elena doesn't say anything as she looks at Stefan, tears welling up in her eyes.

Rebekah: A sire bond. That's fascinating. And what do you think about that, Elena?

Elena: I think you're sad and bored and in desperate need of a hobby.

Rebekah compels Elena.

Rebekah: You're hiding something. Fess up.

Elena: I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him.

Lily curls her lips into a smirk

Lily: I love this. This is so funny. We really need popcorn.

Caroline: What does any of this have to do with the stupid cure?

Rebekah: You're right. We got off the point. Stefan, how do I find the cure? Unless, you'd rather talk about Damon and Elena all day.

Stefan: There's a professor. He knows where the cure is.

Rebekah: Thank you. And, uh, wher----

Suddenly Kol speeds into the library and twists her head to the side snapping her neck

Kol: God, she's so annoying and that's me saying that.

He helps Lily up to her feet and leads her out of the library

Kol: I guess I'm gonna be a big brother?

Lily: Yes. Yes you are

Kol smiles a big bright happy smile

Kol: I'm so happy about this. I'm going to spoil that little one.


Esther is at the dining table working on a laptop when the door opens up and Lily enters, she slings her jacket off. Esther stands up and walks into the foyer.

Esther: How was your day, darling?

Lily: Rebekah's a mega bitch. I guess she's your daughter

Esther gasps, placing her hand over her chest in fake offense

Esther: I take offense to that, baby but touche.

Lily: Word's out. Everyone knows I'm preggers. Blame Rebekah.

Esther: It was bound to happen soon, darling.

Lily snakes her arms around her neck leaning up kissing her softly on the lips. Esther smiles placing her hands on her hips.

Esther: You're so perfect, baby. So so so perfect.

She raises her hand cupping her face in her hands, Lily gazes at her with pure love in her eyes.

Esther: I love you more then you could ever know

Lily: I love you so so so much, Esther. Forever and ever

Esther: Forever and ever.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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