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Jules walks into the Grill, she stops in her tracks when a heavenly scent hits her nose. She growls lowly looking around the Grill spotting Lily sitting at a table

Jules(whispers): Mate.

She approaches her and sits down across from her, Lily looks up at her confused

Jules: Hey I'm Jules

Lily: Hey I'm Lily. What can I do for you?

Jules: Can I have a scotch and whatever this beautiful woman is drinking.

Lily: Oh I don't drink.

Jules: Oh then I'll take a milkshake.

Lily: You're new here.

Jules: You could say that, cutiepie

Lily's face lights up a shade of pink looking away shyly, Jules smirks.

Jules: I'm looking for a friend

Lily: Who?

Jules: Mason Lockwood.

Lily shallows a gulp smiling nervously.

Lily: I knew him

Jules: Did you?

Lily: I didn't know him good though.

She grabs her milkshake and sips it though the straw. Jules grabs her phone and inserts her number

Jules: I gave you my number. Call me.

Lily(smiles): I just met you.

Jules: I know but let's see where the road takes us.

Lily: I'm best friends with the sheriff's daughter, if there's anything I can do to help, I will. He struck around to help his nephew....

Jules: Tyler?

Lily: Helped him a lot. You didn't touch your shake.

Jules: You know, I'm not much of a drinker. I should get going.

Lily: But I thought we were having fun. Look, don't go. Let's go play some pool

Jules: I usually drink to help me sleep

Lily: To sleep

She raises her cup while Jules raises her own and they clink their glasses.

Lily: What do you want with Mason? Tell me the truth.

Jules: He's my friend

Lily: I hate to say this but you probably won't find him.

Jules: Why not?

Lily: Please leave town. It's not safe for you.

Jules(smirks): You're threatening me? On a full moon?

Lily gasps in shock

Lily: You're a werewolf?

Alaric walks up

Alaric: Lil, let's get out of here.

Lily looks at Jules

Lily: I'm not afraid of you

Jules reaches her hand over placing it on top of hers, Lily looks down at their hands then back up to her face

Jules: I'll never hurt you, baby. I sniffed you out the moment I walked into this bar. You smell wonderful. Like peaches. I've marked you

Lily: Marked me? What's that mean?

Jules: You're my mate and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect you, Lily. I promise

She lifts her hand to her lips pressing a kiss on the inside of her palm

Jules: Call me so I can take you out on a date.

She stands up and kisses her gently on the cheek before leaving the Grill.

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