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Elena is arranging flowers in a vase at a table. Caroline walks over to her.

Caroline: Look, I'm your best friend and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want? Because Stefan is your soul mate.

Elena looks up at her, clenching her jaw

Caroline: Sorry, picking sides

Elena: Stefan made it clear he thinks Lily's the enemy. He's changed, Caroline. He's not a good person anymore

Caroline: But, Elena------he's heartbroken. You weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart.

Elena: Well he did and if you keep talking like this, I'm ending our friendship.

Caroline looks at her hurt and her eyes begins to well up with tears

Caroline: Y-you don't mean that.

Elena: I meant every fucking word.

She steps closer towards Caroline, glaring at her

Elena: So make a choice. Me or Stefan?

Lily wearing a black dress walks up to them

Lily: You know she's gonna choose Stefan every time, Elena. She's nothing but a pick me bitch

Caroline: L-Lily........

Lily: What? Don't worry about Stefan. Esther's got something for his ass.

Caroline: W-what----what is she gonna do?

Lily: Make damn sure he never gets his happy ending. Keep being like this and I'll get her to do the same to you.

Elena: You want to be our enemy, okay? So be it. You're our enemy now.

The girls turns around and walks away leaving a heartbroken and tear eyed Caroline alone watching them leave.


Caroline looks down at her clipboard.

Klaus: Now, how did I know I'd find you at the helm of the ship?

She looks at him and then back down at her clipboard.

Klaus notices the sad look in her eyes

Klaus: What's wrong, Love?

Caroline: Lily.

Klaus's eyes darkens

Klaus: What did my mother's whore do to you?

Caroline: Don't call her that.

Klaus: Caroline, why can't you open your eyes and see the truth? My mother and Lily are our enemies. She's no longer your friend.

Caroline: No. No, you're wrong. This is all my fault. I did this.

Klaus: You did nothing wrong. This is all my mother's doing and she will be punished for making you cry.

Caroline: W-what are you gonna do?

Klaus: Don't worry about a thing, Caroline. All will work out in the end. I assure you.

Suddenly he groans in pain, clutching his shoulder. His knees buckle sending him stumbling back.

Caroline: What? What's going on?

Klaus pulls down his shirt seeing a triangle shaped mark etched on his shoulder.

Klaus: What the hell?

Esther: Do you like my present to you, Niklaus?

Klaus and Caroline spins around seeing Esther smirking at them

Klaus: What did you do, mother?

Esther: A simple curse, that is all.

Klaus steps closer to Caroline and his skin begins sizzling, burning. He groans in pain

Klaus: W-what----what is this?

Esther: The closer you get to Caroline Forbes, the more your body will burn. That's just one effect of the curse.

Caroline: What's the other one?

Esther: No happy ending for you, Niklaus. You wanted a war with me? Then so be it. Consider my first shot.

She walks past them while Klaus's eyes glows yellow and he clenches his jaw.


Lily is sitting down at a table; Esther walks up to her. Lily looks at her and smiles patting the spot beside her, Esther sits down

Esther: You look beautiful, Flower.

Lily: Well it takes time to look this good

Esther: Nonsense, you look beautiful no matter what you wear, my love.

She wraps her arm around her shoulder, kissing her on the side of the head.

Caroline: Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court.

Esther notices Lily has a strange look in her eyes

Esther: What's that look?

Lily: I was thinking about when I took part in this.

Esther: I remember you told me

Lily: Everyone was there to support me. I was so scared. I didn't win through

Esther: I'm sorry you didn't win. I would have loved to been your escort, baby.

Lily: I would've loved that too. You would've have been the hottest escort ever, baby.

Esther: I am hot, am I?

Lily chuckles as Esther smirks. She kisses her cheek.

Lily: If we have a daughter, she'll do this one day.

Esther: She'll have your beauty for sure. Meaning she will win.


Stefan: How far did the mark grow?

Jeremy doesn't answer. Stefan pulls out the drawing of Connor's mark.

Stefan: Show me on this drawing.

Jeremy turns around and looks at him.

Jeremy: I don't trust you

Stefan: How far did it grow?

Jeremy: No

Stefan: Answer me or I will make you answer me.

Jeremy: I am not telling you anything.

Stefan grabs Jeremy and compels him.

Stefan: What does the mark look like?

Jeremy suddenly stakes Stefan in the stomach. Stefan yells in pain.

Jeremy: I guess I can't be compelled anymore.

Jeremy releases the stake from his grasp and grabs the duffel bag. He walks out of the cellar. Stefan falls down on the ground and clutches at the stake still in his stomach.


Lily is wearing a long overgrown t shirt making a pot of coffee in the kitchen. Esther walks into the room holding color pallets in her hands

Lily: What's that?

Esther: Color pallets for our nursery.

Lily tilts her head to the side

Lily: I'm not even pregnant yet, babe.

Esther: No harm in being prepared, right?

Lily shakes her head, smiling. She throws her arms around Esther's neck. Esther places her hands on her hips.

Lily leans up pecking her over and over and over again on the lips.

Lily: I love you, baby

Esther: I love you so much more, Lily Flower.

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