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Lily is doing her make up at her vanity. She picks up a bottle of perfume

Lily: Babe, does this smell good?

She hands it to her wife

Esther smells it and sprays it on Lily

Esther: Bloody intoxicating. I love that on you, baby.

Lily laughs placing it back down on the vanity.

Esther: You better keep that dress.

She runs her hands through her hair

Esther: Where did you get it?

Lily: You brought it for me in New York, remember?

Esther: I have fond memories of ripping it off your body, darling.

She kisses her on collarbone, slowly trailing her lips up her neck

Esther: Fond memories, my love.

She nibbles at her earlobe earning a moan in response.

Lily: I need to make a run to the mall.

Esther: Where are you going?

Lily: Victoria's Secret.

Esther smirks, wiggling her eyebrows

Esther: Oh. I need you to get some sexy lingerie

Lily: You horny fuck

Esther: Don't call me a horny fuck, darling. Although I would gladly fuck you in public.

Lily: Esther Hagen! Why did you say that?

Esther: Because I love running my tongue all over your body, baby.

Lily rolls her eyes

Lily: Ugh! Sometimes I don't know why I'm married you

Esther: Because you love me and we're soulmates, Lily Flower.

She cups her face in her hands and kisses her on the forehead

Esther: There is nothing you look sexy in, baby.

She holds up a red satin bodysuit with a lace around the edge

Lily: Oh stop it, I would not

Esther: I beg to differ because I have yet to see you in anything that doesn't make you sexy.

Lily grabs the suit and slips out of her dress, putting the bodysuit on and twirls around

Esther: Holy fuck.

Lily: What?

Esther: See? I was right. You look sexy in everything you wear, baby.

Lily: Annoying whore

Esther: Oh, you're gonna wish you didn't say that

Lily: Whatcha you gonna do about it, baby?

Esther: Just you wait, darling.

Lily: Oh really? Because you're all talk anyway. You ain't gonna do a damn thing

Esther: I'd shut up now if I was you

They stare each other down. A small smirk appear on Lily's face as she wraps her arms around Esther's neck and kisses her softly on the lips over and over again.

Lily: I win

Esther: Yes. You always win.

They lean their heads together

Lily: I love you, baby

Esther: I love you more, Lily Flower.


Lily walks into the Grill and sits down at the bar; Matt walks up to her

Matt: Hey Lil, you want anything?

Lily: Yeah. A cheeseburger and extra fries and a strawberry milkshake

Matt: Coming right up.

He smiles at her

Matt: Marriage suits you. I've never seen you so happy

Lily: Esther makes me happy.

Matt: Well I'm happy for you. No one deserves it more then you

He walks away. Lily reaches into her bag and pulls out her laptop, she opens it and goes to a site of baby supplies.


Stefan turns around seeing an angry Tyler stalking towards him

Tyler: Listen to me you little shit, we're taking Klaus down tonight and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Stefan: Wanna bet?

Tyler: I am sick and tired of your ass, Stefan. You think you run this town. I hate how you treat Lily. I hate everything about you, you little fucker.

Stefan uses his super speed and moves in front of Tyler, frightening him.

Stefan: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that.

Stefan turns around and sees a half dozen of the hybrids standing on the stairs behind him. blocking any means of escape.

Tyler: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

He twists Stefan's head to the side snapping his neck.


Lily walks down the aisle. She stops and looks at the shelves biting her nails nervously, she grabs a box and hands to the counter.


Esther is working her study, typing away at her laptop, glasses over her eyes. She looks up and smiles seeing her wife entering the study. She closes the laptop and stands up

Esther: My love.......

Lily smiles walking closer to her, grabbing her hand placing something in it. Esther looks down and gasps in shock, her eyes widen as she looks up to Lily who is smiling brightly

Esther: Is this-----are you sure?

Lily: I peed on five of them just to be sure. I'm sure.

Esther looks down at the pregnancy test in her hands; it's positive.

Esther: You're pregnant?

Lily: I'm pregnant, baby.

Esther throws her arms around her spinning her around, Lily giggles as Esther places her down and cups her face kissing her warmly on the lips

Esther: I love you

Lily: I love you

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