Chapter 12

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"This is fucking ridiculous!" Startled, I jerk in the bed, pulling the blankets down to stare into the lounge room. Groaning quietly I roll so my backs to the door and pull the sheets over my head."You've got to watch this, I mean, it's soo, like-I didn't think it would actually happen, and then it did and-" someone else blurts excitedly, but the fear is there too, under the layers of giddy tones. "Shh-Kaz is still asleep," Daniel hisses. He's banging around the lounge room, but what he's doing I have no idea. "Well she can get up," Trip snarls. "Go away" I croak to the empty room. My eyes are still heavy and sleep had eluded me for hours after I'd crawled back into bed to try and warm my freezing body. I think I got a fever last night, otherwise my skin didn't know if Daniel's a threat or not, because it was getting flushed than ice cold over and over again for hours. I probably just got to sleep and now Trip wants to drag me out of bed?"Kaz!" Trip grates from the doorway. "Get up. This is important.""Ehgsm" I grumble, pulling the blanket tighter. "Nou""Kaz," he warns. I tighten my hold again, squeezing my eyes shut. It can wait until la- I scream, jumping upright as I try to snatch for the blanket back. "Trip!" "Well, isn't this a sight."With all the annoyance I can, I glare at the male Dragon Blood. "Get out," I bark, reaching over for a pair of jeans, pulling them on over my underwear with clear irritation. I can feel his eyes on my rear the whole time. "Like the show?" I growl, grabbing a jumper as well, just to cover myself further despite wearing a shirt. "I'd like it better if you were taking your clothes off," He comments smoothly, his lemon eyes are glowing when I turn around, watching me as if I'm suddenly the only attractive thing left in the room. Fairly annoyed and flustered now, I try to keep my cool as I slip past the man. "Keep dreaming."Daniel's rushing around the lounge room when I step in, looking just as irritated as I was when my blankets had been torn from me brutally. He stands up from looking under the coffee table, running a hand through his dishevelled hair. Fabian and Adrian have taken residence near the door, one nearly climbing the wall in his hyper state while his brother is trying to snatch the phone off the insane Fabian. Chris's pacing along the length of the room. "Well, if it's help you need with taking your clothes off, all you need to do-""Stop." I bark, unable to face the male behind me. "You came here for a reason, remember?""Yes-" Trip growls.Daniel suddenly waves a tattered brown shoe. "Kaz, do you know where my other shoe is, I can't find it?" "Probably where ever you left it last-""We have a serious problem" Trip grits out, his very presence making my hair stand on end. "It would be great if you woul-""I told you; I have work! I'm going to be late!" Daniel darts into the kitchen, muttering darkly. He returns a minute later. "Oh god, I can't be late-I'm going to be late! I'm going to get fired"Rolling my eyes I duck around the rude male dragon and into the bedroom. Daniel, unfortunately has a bad habit of losing his shoes; often from taking one off, walking around somewhere else before kicking the other off. Snatching the other shoe off the floor from where I'd tripped on it last night; I throw it out the door to my brother with mild care. "Oh, you fou-ouch" he grumbles as the thing smacks into his chin.Fabian bounces towards me, still holding the phone that Adrian had been trying to steal. "Look, look-" "I've got work" Daniel explains as he head's for the door, only for the Adrian to grab the collar of his shirt and drags him back towards us. "Hey, let go-""It will only take a minute." Chris explains making me start because I'd forgotten he is here. Adrian only releases Dan when his's elbow's in my side. "Well, hurry up then." He grumbles.Fabian presses play on the black screen. At first the image is of a fight, two Dragon bloods wrestling each other in the middle of a ring; the ring we'd been at last night, to be exact. But suddenly the two dragons, a cinnamon dragon and an aquatic green lizard, are torn apart. The camera jerks up as the cinnamon Dragon's snatched from his place on the ground, but his screech of surprised fury is cut short as the dragon that had grabbed him suddenly rips his's head clean off-the body tumbling toward the ground. I gasp as blood hits the ground like a waterfall.Within seconds the crowds screaming, running in panic as dragons swarm the arena, picking off bodies like worms to birds. The camera suddenly bucks around, so it's facing the dark swamp and a loud, chilling scream shatters the static sound. "Help!" it screams. Hands claw the edges of the screen, blood painting the fingers as he struggles to drag himself. No sooner is there a loud crunch as the man falls silent. The jumping film view slowly fades and the man with the white mask appears on the screen, clothes rumpled and bloody, but otherwise untouched. "Last night another attack accord outside KingsPort; many lives were lost, both human and Dragon blood. Once again, I ask residents to stay away from the Ring fights, and for all Dragon bloods to stay inside as much as possible; the attackers are getting more reckless and are even attacking in the towns now. Lyon, 20 time ring champ, was murdered late last night while walking along the east river; approximately only an hour after the ring itself was attacked."For a while I swear he's looking directly at me, blue eyes burning a brand onto my soul, but then he glances to the side as if someone's talking to him and the weird connection is cut. Quickly the man jumps forward, grabbing the camera to rip it off the stand. There's is a short moment of struggle where he seems to trying to turn off the camera, and dark hands covering the lens as the mask falls onto the floor. The camera shuts off.As soon as the screen turns black my mind latches onto the two men from last night. Were they part of the attacks? Was I so close to getting killed last night? Or what about that man, the one whose tattoo's inked in thick black lines along the contours of his back to show that sticking dragon. Ever so quickly I glance down at my foot. The shallow cut I'd gotten from crawling out the window-which I hadn't even noticed at the time, is completely healed, and yet I feel it throbbing. "See, bad," Fabian says softly, seeming suddenly very small and very young. Adrian, who'd been boxing in Daniel, steps back with a nod, "Very. I doubt Lyon would have gone down easy." Dan glance at me, eyes filled with a strange emotion. For a while he says nothing, until he pulls on his shoe and heads for the door. "I've got work..."Be careful, I silently tell him. The door closes behind him and its only then I realize I'm stuck in a room with three male Dragon bloods- and one of them was being a pervert earlier. Awkwardly I glance at Chris. "They closed the Ring." Chris states from his place on the edge of the coffee table where he'd decided to rest. "Why?""Too many Rings are being attacked. First outside Cowden city, all the way to Liverpool. At least 15 places have been attacked-maybe more that we don't know about. The Announcer refuses to go to anymore of the fights-it's much too dangerous. If he doesn't go, he thinks other wont either."I frown, my mind crumbling at the smallest pieces of logic. I should be sleeping, not thinking about fights and-I killed Reign, I think bluntly. "Oh, my..." I whisper, feeling nauseous. He'd been unconscious when we left; they wouldn't have attacked long after. There's no way they wouldn't have killed him; he would have been an easy target; it was entirely my fault. If I hadn't done what I did, then maybe-My eyes flick down to my hands, searching up my arms for any hint of the blue and red lines, of the horror that I'd inflicted on him.Trip spins me around sharply, gripping my hands harder than necessary. "Ow!" I complain, trying to pull away."Stop it, I know what you're thinking-stop""Let go!" I shout, feeling the pain in my fingers become unbearable; he going to break them. "Trip-" I pull my hands free, but not before the power in my skin jumps out with a sharp crack.Trip snatches his hands back with a low snarl. For a brief moment I want to cower back and apologise- I'd hurt him...but he'd hurt me too. I let my Dragon nature take hold, the strength and power backing me. He doesn't know me. He can't control me. I raise my chin and square my shoulder, giving Trip plenty of time to take in my new mindset currently. I'm not a push over.He can't hurt me. "Get. Out" I stab a finger in the direction of the door. I see the look in his eyes. The look of power and dominance; but also wariness. This may be my house, my home ground, not that he cares, but quite frankly if he changes he'll uproot the house; and without changing the cards are all in my hands will a full house. Never had I been as in control as I am now, the one with all the power and the high ground. Even with Fabian and Adrian are merely flies to swat away. My skin heats up as Trip steps closer, flashing with odd streaks of blue light. Fabian visible twitches away, fingers curling as if he wants to cover his ears.I assume I passed the test when Trip moves back, nodding towards the door. "Whatever, if you don't want my help...." He leaves it to hang in the air for a moment before he bounds out the door after the twins and his owner.

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