Chapter 21

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This is an information heavy chapter guys, and has some... adult (almost crude) language. You will realize by the end of this chapter why this isn't for children...if the language hasn't already hinted that....
Anyway, have fun reading, it's over 3000 words! (3217...)

My mind floats through unconsciousness, pulling at random thoughts and memories while every now and again I drift into reality long enough to hear murmuring. It doesn't last long, and before I can drag myself into the conscious world I'm falling back into the darkness.

Sweet, twisted darkness.

My thoughts are haunted by dark thoughts and evil suggestions, so sweet and addicting I can't bear to tell the voice to shut up. To kill, murder. It wants blood and pain, fear, hatred, death, misery and control. It wants to bask in its victories, soak in the blood of the weaker and take what belongs to it.

With every passing minute I can feel myself agreeing. I don't want to fight it. I want everything it wants.

I want to bring that destruction. I want to mutilate people like the voice suggests.

All that blood, how it will look on your skin, it whispers with a shiver, image it on them, bright scarlet against perfectly white skin. Delectable.

Even in this floating darkness I want to shive as the voice does, purr in delight from the utter glee. It's like I've been injected with nicotine or adrenaline. It's so good, so warm and soothing and exhilarating all at once.

Take it, it whispers again, now getting that sharp edge to its voice. We must take it. We need it. It's ours, all ours. Cut down everyone in our way, we'll create glistening rivers of red if need be. We'll breath in the wondrous scent of blood as they take their last stuttering breaths. Ours, it will be. Ours.

My body aches, throbbing in time with the beat of my heart pounding against my chest. I'm alive, so alive.


I smooth my hands out, as if seeking a rope to hoist myself out of the darkness with and into reality but all I feel is an itchy sensation under my hands. Familiar.

We can't wait! Up. We must claim it. It's ours. Ours.

Ours, I catch, mauling of the word until the sounds have no meanings, until the word is nothing but an odd noise. Nothing.

We can't let it go. Wake. Wake. Wake. Up. Now. Wake. Ours.

Someone's breathing. Is that me? I must see, I must know who it is.

They're all enemies. They want to take what's ours. Up. Now! Wake! Fight them!

I force my eyes open finally and growl lowly in warning. I'm awake, and no one can hurt me. I need to get it, I need to have it. Whatever it is.

Slowly I shove away the grogginess and drag myself to the edge of the mattress. What is it? What do we need? Who is 'we' anyway? My head throbs wickedly, sending an ache down my spine with every thump. I feel like crap, yet I can feel the dark voice trembling in ecstasy, the connection still strong despite waking.

What is that voice? Or should I be asking 'who' it is? Is there a dragon blood around who can talk into my mind? If so, why does it sound eerily like me?

Up. We need to look. We just had it. We can't lose it. Ours. It's Ours. Ours. Ours. Only ours.

I sit up, groaning as my head is assaulted by a wave of agony that slices strait through my head like a spear. On the bright side the voice ebbs away, drowning in the swell of pain, but for the voice it merely purrs and trembles. Heat enters my veins, enough to chase away most of the pain in my back to a new ache that doesn't feel completely bad.

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