Character Headcanons

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1. Starfish sleeper. She often wakes up half off the bed, or half on top of Ani. There have been a few nights where Dot and Ani (and Sophie if it's first year) wake up to loud swearing becaue Hester rolled off the bed in her sleep.

2. Chews on her hair when she's nervous (this is sort of canon, but I'm including it anyways.)

3. Very productive. She gets up early and follows a schedule. Studying and practicing spells and stuff like that is super important to her. (Still really dedicated to that class-captain thing...)

4. No one on the planet would call her organized as far as physical things go. Her room is a mess, her bed is never made, her desk is a mess. She leaves clothes all over the floor.

5. She was sent to a never orphanage in Ravenswood after her mother died, which happened when she was four. She established dominance among the group quickly, and the children and adults all fear her.

6. Legitimately hates physical affection from everyone but Ani and sometimes Dot. She's just too paranoid to like hugs and the like.

7. Sometimes talks to or plays with Anadil's rats when she thinks no one is watching.

9. She's lean but very strong, and can actually beat Tedros in an arm wrestle, as they discovered after an unexpected contest during lunch. Tedros' pride was so wounded by this that he wouldn't even look anyone in the eye the rest of the day.

10. Swears like a sailor. She's incredibly creative with her cursing, too. Uses "Go to Hell" as a compliment.

11. She has a terrible sense of direction, and can't read a map for the life of her. She can get lost very easily.


1. Curls up like a roly-poly when she sleeps.

2. Total insomniac. She stays up super late, and then refuses to get up in the morning.

3. Very organized. Her handwriting is neat, her bed is almost always made. She follows a meticulous system when it comes to her clothes, school supplies, etc. Gets very upset if someone interupts it.

4. Can play the violin, and secretly loves it.

5. Her parents are super wealthy, but they're awful people. They sent her to live with her grandmother until the... barrel incident. After that she had to come back and live with them.

6. Afraid of thunderstorms. She denies this vehemently, and refuses to accept it as a possibility.

7. Rats aren't the only animals she can talk to, they're just her favorite. Basically no one knows that she can talk to more than rats, and it never really occurred to her to tell anyone.

8. Thrives off of physical affection, but she rarely trusts someone enough to let them touch her. Like Hester, it's pretty much limited to the coven.

9. She's basically all around small. About a head shorter than Hester, and very light. If Hetser wants to frustrate her, she'll pick her up princess style and carry her around while Ani threatens her with various gruesome deaths.

10. Almost never swears, but uses words like "perhaps" and "nevertheless" which somehow makes her seem very threatening.

11. Has a penchant for finding small spaces to disappear to. Supply closets, behind bookshelves, random nooks, etc. Hester once spent an hour looking for Anadil, only to find her asleep under Dot's bed.

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