Letter 013

27 1 0

Dear Max,

We're just a few days over two weeks away from the big day when El and Will and Patty Newby go down into the Upside Down to confront and hopefully destroy Vecna. Dr. Owens is training Will harder than ever before, and Joyce is starting to worry some, but I don't think it's as bad as she's assuming. El is more passionate about it than she has ever been, and Mike's trying to hype her up, but he's kind of failing. I honestly don't think she needs anyone to say that she's got it. She just wants us all to support the idea of Vecna/Henry/001 being gone for good.

There's also some bad news concerning one of our friends that I just mentioned. Mike. He's now in the hospital too. 

I wish it hadn't happened, but some of Vecna's monsters got to him. A few Demobats and two Demogorgons invaded the Wheeler's house Saturday morning and demolished it pretty badly. 

Steve had just walked upstairs with Nancy when everything happened. Mike said he was in the living room about to follow them up the stairs to get ready to visit El and Will at the radio station when they all came thrashing through the front door. Mrs. Wheeler was upstairs getting Holly ready for the day, and Mr. Wheeler was in the kitchen reading the newspaper when they heard the sounds. Mr. Wheeler walked into the living room to see what all the noise was about when he saw the Demobats attacking Mike and Demogorgons heading up the stairs. He shouted, and the Demogorgons only looked at him. I don't know why, but they didn't even attack him. It's like he was non-existent.

Nancy and Steve heard Mike shouting, so they grabbed her guns from her closet and headed down to fight as quickly as they could. They had to hurt the Demogorgons pretty badly before being able to get to Mike. When they finally got to him, he was unconscious and losing a lot of blood. Mrs. Wheeler saw her husband looming over Mike while Nancy and Steve were killing the Demogorgons and Demobats. She lost it and became hysterical. Nancy says she's still kind of hysterical right now, so it kind of complicated the plan a lot more than what we expected.

I miss you, Max. We all do. We're all worried sick. I'm scared that because there are so many bad things happening, by the time you wake up, there might not even be an actual Hawkins left to wake up to.

Please, please, please, wake up soon. I don't think I've ever begged for something like this in my entire life. We're desperate for a miracle.

I love you, and I need you. 

All my attention and care, Lucas

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