
248 7 59

- Anorexia
- Self-deprecation
- Puke
- Light force feeding i guess-?

Sorry about all the out of character stuff btw! :')


It was a bright and sunny day on Hermitcraft when Grian woke up, his eyes immediately getting blinded by sunlight from the big window of his room in the mansion.

Grian got up, and looked in the mirror, his mind already filled with self-deprecating thoughts.

"Ugh, i look so fat... I should really eat less..."

And so, Grian brushed his teeth, looking at himself in the mirror with disgust, and headed out, not having eaten any breakfast whatsoever.

Grian picked up a few shulker boxes full of various items for the barge, and flew off to the shopping district.

As soon as Grian entered the barge, he was met with the irresistible smell of golden carrots (irresistible for everyone else, that is).

Grian got nauseous by merely thinking about the little golden snacks.

He decided to just quickly throw everything into the chests and leave, until he noticed he'd have to make a trip back due to the barge boxes being sold out again.

Grian sighs, and decides that he'll do that later. He was too nauseous to do so right now.

As more smells of food entered Grian's nose, he quickly flew off, much to Mumbo's surprise, as he was just about to confront Grian about Scar wanting to speak to him about their plan for the Head Games.

When Grian landed at the mansion, he quickly ran to the bathroom, not feeling well at all.

Mumbo decided to follow Grian, as he seemed like he was in distress.

Mumbo lands at the mansion, and hears puking noises coming from the bathroom, as Grian was puking out all the remaining pieces of food he still had left in him.

Grian felt incredibly dizzy and his vision blurred as Mumbo came into the bathroom, putting a hand on Grian's shoulder.

"Hey, buddy, are you feeling alright?"

Grian felt like he had to hide it, but he just didn't have the energy to, so he shook his head.

Mumbo grabbed a few wet wipes and wiped Grian's mouth clean, before throwing them in the toilet and flushing it.

Mumbo picks up Grian and brings him to his room, putting him on his bed.

"What happened, buddy? Are you sick?"

Grian shrugged, as he didn't want to reveal too much.

"That's okay, G"

As Grian nestled into his cozy little bed, he couldn't help but think about all the other ways Mumbo could be spending his time, yet he was wasting his time on someone as useless as him, a useless little idiot who can't even get a simple conversation right.

Mumbo glared at Grian with a concerned look, seeing how loosely fit Grian's clothes looked, but Grian had his face buried in the pillows.

"Grian, if you don't mind me asking, when's the last time you've eaten?"

Grian doesn't respond, feeling too ashamed to.

"Grian, buddy?"

Tears start rolling down Grian's cheeks as he buries his face in the pillows, his nails digging into the blankets in shame.

Mumbo immediately pulls Grian into a hug, looking concerned.

"Have you been eating at all, buddy?"

Grian nervously shakes his head, he's getting nauseous again just by thinking about food.

"You really should, Grian, I'll go get you something."

Mumbo tucks Grian back into bed, and runs away.

Grian immediately starts thinking about how Mumbo could be leaving him for good, hoping that Mumbo won't continue wasting his time.

He gets up, not wanting to seem weak by laying in bed all day, but barely gets a few steps before Mumbo walks in, tucking him back into bed. Again.

"You shouldn't be getting out of bed, G, i don't want you to hurt yourself by fainting."

Grian looks down, saddened that Mumbo cares so much.

Mumbo has a small piece of bread, and some milk in hand. He puts the glass of milk on the night stand before giving the bread to Grian, who hesitantly accepts it.

"Here, it's only a little bit."

Grian starts getting nauseous from even the thought of the bread, let alone eating it

"No... I can't..."

He croaks out weakly, as he'd used all his energy just getting by.

"Please, just a bite...!"

Grian held the bread a bit closer, but started gagging at the thought of eating it, so stopped.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...!"

"It's okay, I'll help."

Mumbo slowly but surely guided the bread into Grian's mouth.

"You're doing great, G."

Grian gagged as he chewed the bread up into itty bitty pieces.

"Now swallow, you're doing amazing."

Grian hesitantly swallowed it, the taste lingering in his mouth.

"Now here, wash it out with some milk."

Grian hesitantly accepted the milk, and drank about half the glass before dropping it because he was trembling so much.

Mumbo luckily managed to catch the glass just before it hit the ground.

Grian turned away from Mumbo, wanting to disappear for being so awkward.

"I'm so sorry, i just-"

"It's okay, Grian, you did nothing wrong."



Grian slowly met Mumbo's eyes, and Mumbo could see the distress Grian was in.

Mumbo hugs Grian, setting the milk back on the night stand.

Grian starts crying his eyes out into Mumbo's arms, having bottled his feelings up for oh, so long.

Grian eventually started falling asleep in Mumbo's lap, who was now sitting up on Grian's bed.

Mumbo started to pet Grian, making him purr softly before comfortably falling asleep.



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