Playing with fire 🔥 (1/?)

205 6 60

- Self harm (burning)
- Crying
- Self deprecation


Sorry for all the out of character stuff btw! :'>

Forgot Pearl wasn't in S7 halfway through, replaced her with Mumbo tho so it's fine lol--


Grian had just come back from hosting the barge quest. He's already beating himself up over how awkward he sounded and how he was being annoying.

He heads to his room in the mansion, walks over to the nightstand, and grabs a lighter.

He pulls his sleeve up and turns on the lighter, holding it up towards his arm.


He says quietly, as the burning starts to leave a mark.

Grian eventually finished, puts his gloves back on and heads out.
Grian always wore his fingerless black gloves whenever he'd harmed himself.

Grian decided to fill the barge boxes again, and hesitantly walked over to his chest monster.

"What a mess... Why do i always do this..."

Grian'd never had the energy to sort out his stuff, part of which coming from a lack of sleep, and another from emotional distress.

Grian started to grab random items for in the boxes, but grew increasingly upset about how unorganized he was.

Soon, tears began streaming down his face, as he quit and sat up against the shulker boxes in distress.

"Why...!? Why can't i ever stop doing this!? Why do i always make such a mess!?"

Just when Grian's mind started racing, he heard someone calling out to him from close by.

"Hey there, Grian, you okay?"

Grian felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, and looked up, it's Scar.

"I heard you crying and immediately rushed over, what's wrong, buddy?"

Grian pressed himself up more against the shulker boxes in fear of Scar finding out how weak he really is.

Scar's other hand went to squeeze Grian wrist gently, as he didn't want to rush things.

"Grian, what's wrong?"

"... I don't know what's wrong anymore, okay!?"

Grian says as he bursts into tears.
All the pain and pent up emotions were turning into confusion and unnecessary stress.

Scar moved forward and hugged Grian, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Don't worry, you don't have to know, just let it all out."

Tears began flowing faster than ever as Grian hugged Scar back, still afraid to seem weak though, so not letting exactly everything out.

Grian eventually calmed down a bit, to the point where Scar felt he could continue figuring out the reason behind Grian's tears were.

"What happened, G? What's got you so riled up?"

Grian hesitantly answers, sniffling.

"I'm just tired of seeing the mess i keep creating, and, and-"

"It's okay, me and Mumbo will take care of it. You're going to take a break and relax for now."

"A-are you sure...? I don't want to burden you with all that work..-"

"Of course I'm sure, G. Now you go get some well needed rest."

Grian looks down, sad that Scar and Mumbo are deciding to waste their time like this.

"Okay then... If you say so..."

And Grian flies off inside.

Once Grian's inside, he can't help but look out the window, and to his disbelief, he sees Scar actually starting to clean up his stuff.

Grian looks away before closing the curtains, too ashamed to watch.

Grian picks up the lighter again, taking his glove off and rolling his sleeve up.

Grian puts the lighter up to his arm again, and winces at the pain.

Grian walks over to his nightstand, putting the lighter back where it usually goes, out of sight.

Grian hesitantly walks over to his bed, and sits down on it, not feeling the need to sleep despite feeling extremely tired.

After getting lost in thought for a few minutes, Grian walks back over to the night stand, grabbing the lighter again.

Just as Grian lifts it up to his arm, he hears a gasp, and realizes he's not alone.


He doesn't process fully what's happening when the lighter gets ripped out of his hand and thrown back on the night stand.

Grian's just standing there, disorientated and confused as Mumbo puts his hands on Grian's shoulders in distress.

"What were you thinking with that thing!?"

Mumbo sees a burn mark on Grian's hand, and his heart drops.

"You... You haven't been... B-burning yourself... Have you...?"

Mumbo says in disbelief, as Grian turns his head away in shame.

"... I'm sorry..."

He manages to peep out, before getting viciously and tightly hugged by a very frightened and concerned Mumbo who was now letting Scar know about it with his communicator, which made Grian nervous.

"W-what are you doing...?"

"Don't worry about it, G..."

Mumbo sets down the communicator on the nightstand, as Grian whimpers, scared about what Scar might think about him when he reads the message.

Grian and Mumbo hear an elytra, and soon they're joined by a very concerned Scar.

Scar sees the lighter and the burn mark and quickly connects the dots.

Scar gasps as he realizes what Grian had been doing.

"Grian, have you been burning yourself...!?"

Grian looks away and slowly nods in shame.

Scar leans in to hug Grian too, upset by not being able to notice it earlier.

"I'm so sorry.... For... For being such a disappointment..."

Grian whimpers out, as he starts to cry, burying his head in Mumbo's chest.

After a couple minutes of crying, Mumbo tucks Grian into bed, planning to ask some questions the next day.

Scar goes back to sorting shulker boxes after giving Grian a kiss on the cheek as he fell asleep, and Mumbo stays by Grian to make sure he doesn't cause any further harm to himself.


Ima do a part 2 of this later lmao

Thanks for reading btw! :D

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