overthink 1

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"Hey Dwight"
Jim said while he was entering to the office, it was something usual, he always says hey to his coworkers, but this time it was weird, he said 'hey' to Dwight before he said 'hey' to pam, no one gave importance to it, but pam did, she was used to hear a friendly 'hey pam' from his bestie, but since some amount of time in between of Jim's break up with karen and some other events jim was being a little bit cold with her, she even started to hang out WITH *DWIGHT* just because of the cold mood of jim.

Pam started to overthink a little, she knew that jim used to be in love with her while they were friends, and... Some repetitive conduct of when jim was in love with her were talking *A LOT* with her, he used to search for any excuse just to talk to the cute receptionist, while pam was overthinking about his friend's behavior she got interrupted by the sound of Jim's voice talking to... DWIGHT?.

"Hey, ummm Dwight" jim said in a low voice with a little smirk in his face, pam noticed, she knew what was gonna happen next.

"What do you want? I'm working here."
Dwight said with his usual annoyed voice tone answering to Jim's whispering

"Can you lend me a sharpener please? I can't find mine and my pencil tip is broken"
He said trying to sound serious but the excitement in his face was a little obvious, what maked pam giggle a little drawing the attention of Dwight to her

"Why are you giggling? "
Dwight said raising an eyebrow, what maked jim sweat a little, he thought that it would ruin his joke or something

"Oh, nothing, I'm just watching a video of a kitten, and he's too silly and cute, heh"
Pam said trying to avoid being too obvious about her knowledge of Jim's prank

But when she thought that she ruined the joke and when jim thought the same thing something a little amazing happened

"Oh, ok"
Dwight said that with a lil friendly voice tone, completely different from his usual codependent one, jim and pam both were in shock but they didn't wanted to mess up the prank so they ignored it.

The prank went cool, Dwight freaked out, jim laughed, but pam just looked at them with a little smile, she didn't wanted to show 'disrespect' to Dwight, especially because she realized that he started to consider her as a friend.

After some minutes after the prank, when Dwight calmed down and pam got back to work jim was a little bit vexed, but he wasn't too obvious, he had become an expert pretending because of the pranks, but he started to think, 'why would Dwight be friend with pam? They aren't even similar, and... Dwight isn't friendly, why would they-' before he kept overthinking about his coworkers friendship he realized something... was he jealous?!, he thought he wasn't in love with pam anymore, why would him be jealous? He was completely confused, and... Why Dwight? Jim thought, why would i feel jealous of someone like Dwight? He didn't realised it, but he was jealous of both of them.

While everyone were at lunch, pam was alone in the kitchen, she was thinking about what happened in the morning, she started to overthink again, why was Dwight being friendly with *HER*, she wasn't especially nice with him, she always supported Jim's annoying pranks against him and some other reasons about why they should have be not friends, is he going to kidnap me and give me for his farm animals to eat? There was not reason to be friends, but, what if he didn't wanted a reason? What if he was just comfortable in her presence?, she didn't knew, but before she thought anything Dwight entered to the kitchen, he has a big overwhelming presence, but pam felt comfortable with it, she just said hi as the usual, but then she realized, SHE ALSO FELT COMFORTABLE WITH DWIGHT!, it was a little shocking, before the documentary started to be filmed she used to feel a little uncomfortable arround Dwight, he was *too* weird and big for her, but for some reason now she felt nice with him, she was staring at the wall thinking about those things when she got interrupted by Dwight trying to get her attention

"Hey, pam, are you there? "
Dwight said moving his hand in front of Pam's face

"Oh! Yeah yeah, sorry, I was thinking about stuff, not a big deal"
She said nervously, it was new for her, the fact that she and Dwight were friends was mind blowing.

Dwight and pam did gab a little while they were eating their lunch in the break room, after it they just got back to work and jim looked at them coming out of the kitchen heading to their respective desks, he couldn't help but feel that feeling of jealous again, he didn't knew why, it was irritating him, he didn't wanted to be in a relationship so fast after he broke up with karen, and he didn't wanted to feel jealous about Dwight and his only friend in the office, but it was complicated.

The five o'clock arrived and everyone started to pick up their stuff and going to home, pam and Dwight *again* camed out from the office to the elevator together, jim didn't knew how to feel about them being too close, but he was screaming to himself inside to shut up, they were just friends.

Jim walked into the elevator with them and them all stayed quiet there, when the elevator arrived to the last level they gone to their respective houses.

When jim arrived to his house the feeling of guilt and confusion was eating him, he didn't wanted to be *that guy* who gets jealous about his girlfriend's friends, and him and pam weren't even dating, he was just thinking nonsense, he tried to convince himself that he was happy about Dwight having a friend in the office, after all most people there thought that Dwight's a weirdo, but he just felt weird, why? Why pam?, he rolled in his bed trying to sleep, after some other thoughts in his head he finally could fell asleep.

Jam here, this is my first time writing stuff like this, sorry if I got mistakes in my grammar and orthography, I hope you like this :3❤

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