Chapter 1: A Nightly Encounter

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The mighty waves of Mediterranean Sea lazily caressed the shore as Perseus rested on the secluded rocky passage. Having arrived to the site a few hours ago, the hero chose the perfect spot for his observation, hidden from the plain sight. A grave and responsible task laid before him: to slay the lethal monster of the Mediterranean coast, Medusa Gorgon.

A dim light flickered among the caves located on the shore where a figure slowly emerged, gliding towards the sea. Here was the heartless monster a thousand heroes feared, Medusa's slow steps distorting the perfectly shaped sand. Perseus squinted his eyes for a better view and almost gasped for a second; the terrifying creature of the sea was nothing but a captivating lady. The slender figure of the woman approached the coast, serpentine hair looking ethereal yet deadly. Her petrifying eyes looked almost lifeless, in accordance with pale skin. Yet despite her cold beauty Medusa was nothing like deadly tales.

In awe, Perseus continued to observe Medusa as she placed the candle she was carrying on the rocks, reaching for an item hidden beneath. From there, a glowing creature came into the sight, cradling on the arms of Medusa. After careful examination, Perseus identified the creature as a wounded phoenix, one wing slightly damaged. With the gentlest manner, Medusa tended the wounded bird, nesting it on her embrace.

Who could have imagined, Perseus thought to himself, catching the petrifying monster in the most tender act. Moonlight revealed sorrow in Medusa's eyes, her complexion drowning in melancholy. Something about her fascinated the hero, stirring a myriad of emotions instead of frightening him. Not being able to tear away his gaze, Perseus decided not to miss his chance and swiftly stood up, following the enchanting monster as she swayed into the depths of the caves.

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