Chapter 5: The Unveiled Heart

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Medusa slowed her steps, lifting head up. "I'm all ears, hero."

"I..." Perseus turned around, eyes downcast, now facing the monster. "I have been thinking about this Mirror of Reflection."

Medusa's ears perked up. "And?" She observed the hero questioningly.

"And I... well..." the Greek man took a deep breath, unsure how to open up.

"All these months we spent together, pursing the mirror, I have come to a realization that society loves to distort. All around the country you are known as a vile and ruthless monster." Perseus started unsurely.

Medusa sucked her breath in, impatiently waiting for the hero to continue.

"You are known as the murderer of brave men, almost inhuman. When I was tasked to kill you and end it once for all, I thought how hard it can be? Just a slash of sword and all would end." Perseus's voice shaked as he took a step towards Gorgon.

Medusa's heart was wildly stumping in her chest, confused by the man's words. It all sounded like a farewell to her, perhaps Perseus lost hope and was preparing to kill her at least.

"And then I saw you for the first time in that beach, tending the wound of a small bird. How controversial to what I had heard before. Gorgon, the heartless monster healing a creature!" Perseus let out a nervous laugh. "It confused me and I followed you to the cave. The look in your eyes when you saw your reflection on my armor was enough to stir something deep inside my heart. But I was there to end you, or rather this curse. I have always been against unnecessary violence, thus I swore to find this Mirror of Reflection and break the curse." Perseus took another step towards the lady, now inches separating them.

"What are you implying?" Medusa asked unsurely.

"We have spent months together, in pursuit of the Mirror. I have concluded that you are unlike those tales, the deadly monster has never existed. You are one of the softest and gentlest souls I have ever known. Your skin might be ice cold but you have the warmest smile. Even Sun is weak before your mesmerizing beauty." Perseus confessed, chest heaving up and down.

"Oh. That was certainly... unexpected," Medusa blinked. "You know I have snakes for a hair."

"Let it be. Even they look beautiful, moving in sync with you," the hero shrugged. "However, this is not all I wanted to say."

"Hm? What else?" Medusa eyed the man suspiciously.

"I... I have seen both sides of you. I know how harsh and deadly you can be, but only to the deserving. I have seen how kind and generous you are. My heart has never been swayed like this before." Perseus chuckled nervously.

"Today, after reading out the parchment of the Mirror of Reflection, I once again agreed that you need to experience all kinds of beautiful experiences in life. But..." the hero trailed off.

"But..?" Medusa asked nervously.

"But I want to be the only one to provide them all for you." Perseus slowly stated.

Time seemed to freeze in an instance. Medusa's heartbeat was almost deafening, like a wild bird stuck in a cage. A funny sensation passed through her body, masked as a tiny ounce of hope.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She whispered hoarsely.

"It means you have lighted my life up in a way I never experienced before. To decorate your lips with that smile I do not see often, has become my mission. You are enchanting and deserve to have all the nicest things in the world. You have captured my heart and my soul, I have been unable to divert my attention to anything but you. Love has blinded me, maybe I have lost my head, but I know for sure, there is no meaning to living without you. I-" Perseus took a deep breath, ready to confess the three magical words.

"Perseus, wait!" Medusa exlaimed, raising her hand to stop the hero. "Are you aware of what you are saying? I am nothing but a literal monster. I can end you in seconds yet here you are, telling me that..."

"I am well aware of that, Gorgon." Perseus cut her through. "I have thought about it day and night for weeks, and I know that you are all I desire. If people think you are a monster, to hell with that. An angelic woman, my alluring savior, that is who you are. Cupid's bow has pierced my heart with the dizzying images of you. And I know for sure that..." Perseus bit his lip, "I know for sure that I love you."

Medusa was trembling from the confession, a train of emotions enveloping her agitated state. For the first time after long years, not only someone spoke kindly to her but was serenading a love confession. Someone who saw the monster she was and was willingly choosing to stay. Someone unafraid, eager to care. Someone who saw the beauty within.

"Oh, Perseus..." tears welled up in the deadly eyes of Medusa, creating a fascinating contrast.

Perseus gently grabbed Medusa's hands in his, fingers tracing her pale skin.

"Please, let me show how much I love you." The hero whispered gently.

Gorgon merely nodded in return, too speechless for an answer.

"But before that I need to ask you one more favor." The hero continued.

"What is it?" The woman asked hesitantly.

"Look into my eyes, please."

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