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It was warm, Vox could feel the sun beating down on his face, sweat beading down his neck in reaction to the hot summer season. He has a cool drink in hand, his body splayed out in an ivory lawn chair relaxing from the stressful day. He's listening to "Grinning and Gabbing", a radio station hosted by his good friend, Alastor.

Vox loved the idea of technological advancement, to be able to transmit and receive the electromagnetic waves of radio frequency was so mind-boggling to him, he wondered if the same could be done for video-"...and she's a funny old bird, she says the Liberty Science Center is the bee's knees hahaha" Alastor's static voice said, startling and ripping vox out of his trance.

Suddenly the world around him turned black and started caving in on itself. Vox's drink fell from his hands as he put his hands on his head. Alastor's grating laugh echoed from every direction, it was too much, Vox recoiled in on himself.

Vox opened his eyes gasping for air, the red skies of the Pride Pentagram shined into his room, it was just a dream.

His mind has a fucked up way of reminding him of what he's missed in the mortal world. It's been nearly 10 years since he died and ended up in Hell, but in that time despite being down on his luck he started a partnership exploring the advancements of video podcasts instead of radio, joining him were two trusted demons he befriended. They climbed the ranks and became overlords, arguably the fastest Hell has ever seen. They called themselves the Vees.

Reminiscing about the nostalgic times he had on earth always plagued his dreams, he missed the sun, he missed the radio show, he missed Alastor.

His reminiscing was cut short as Velvette, one of his colleagues, aggressively stormed into his room.

"GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" she screamed.

Velvette's screeching voice rang in Vox's head forming a headache almost immediately.

"What do you want, Velvette?" Vox asked with annoyance.

Velvette crossed her arms "Oh I don't know, just that another overlord fell and you should be behind a camera talking about it? Besides, it was a heavy hitter this time..."

"Again? Lucifer fuckin' Morningstar, that's the 3rd one this week, you'd think it was a suicide pact by now..." Vox said with sarcasm.

Vox slipped out of his morning attire and put on a slick blue suit that's armored with neon blue vertical stripes, it fits him perfectly.

He walked out of his room and started heading towards his studio. He groaned as he could already hear the fuckfest Valentino was filming across the penthouse, he awkwardly quickened his pace.

He proceeded towards a set of black steel double doors that had the Vee's logo accented on them. They shot open as Vox approached them revealing the massive broadcasting studio. The presence of his studio had a comically evil feeling supported by the floating walkway and swirls of bioluminescent fish swimming below.

He marched confidently to the end of the walkway to where the plethora of televisions and his desk reside. He sat at his desk and pressed a big red button that signals and activates immediate live news.

Glaring ring lights shined and microphones pointed in his direction as his broadcast workers prepared for the live show.
"Camera speeds rolling in three, two, one..."


Following the news of the missing overlords Vox thought about the incidents that had taken place. Being a journalist he had so many questions, Where did the overlords go? Did someone take them? Who could've taken them? What does that mean for the Vees?

"Fuck" Vox spat, he wanted to take the edge off.

He swiftly grabbed the pack of cigarettes that resided in his coat, plucking out a singular stick and letting it rest in his mouth.

He walked out of the broadcasting studio before attempting to light the cigarette not fond of tobacco plaguing the penthouse for days. Once he escaped the confines of the Vees building he paused and finally took a long hard drag letting the smoke sizzle his lungs before exhaling. "Heavy hitter or not whoever is fucking with the overlords wouldn't dare go after us next..." Vox spat egotistically.

We are the fastest overlords hell has ever seen damnit. My industry will take over all of Hell, there's no way I can be taken down by whatever it is. Vox thought with slight anxiety.

He began walking down the decrepit streets of Pride lost in thought, wondering without a destination. Vox felt a strong sense of déjà-vu as he was ripped from his strance by an obnoxious series of laughs followed by screams, coming from an alleyway a couple buildings down.

"Turf war...typical" Vox sighed.

The screams failed to fault as he continued his pace, paying no mind to the potential dangers ahead. As he passed the alleyway curiosity plagued his mind and he couldn't resist.

He turned his head to take a look.

Vox froze, stopping dead in his tracks.

There before him was an Overlord at the mercy of a massive beastly-like red figure. The figure had dark eyes and bared a wide sadistic smile, it looked down at the Overlord beneath his hooves with what seems like the murderous intention of devouring him.

Vox's body had pins and needles of anxiety racing up his spine. He was running, whatever that thing was, his intuition told him he'd be double dead before he even found out.

Vox's running came to a stop, he was shaking from the exhaustion. "Haa so that's our culprit for the disappearances... f-fuckin' seven." He said, shuddering.

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