He was my Everything

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After what felt like purgatory the screaming and laughing finally subsided and Vox's head felt like it was moving. His ears felt raw, and a pulsing ringing lingered in the back of his head. He put a hand to his head groaning, cracking open his eyes slowly, and straining his eyes. He looked around and found that the penthouse was somehow in disarray. He reached for the side of the gold-encrusted couch to support himself as he struggled to stand up.

"...Fuck" Vox groaned as he moved to sit on the silk magenta cushings.

Neon blue and pink lights poured in through the windows as Vox glanced outside, it was chaos. Glancing in the distance he could see sinners and hellborn alike causing pandemonium. He looked straight down and he could see mobs of interviewers racing to get inside the Vee's towers.

"I swear to Satan they act like it's an extermination." Vox scoffed, seemingly annoyed.

A loud bang echoes through the penthouse, the sound creates a piercing pain in Vox's head. Velvette groaned from the floor, sharply raising her head at the sound and slowly moving to take a seat at the other end of the velveteen couch. She curled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees.

Vox sighed, as he pivoted his head behind him, he looked over at the suspect of the sound and there stood Valentino.

The lengthy moth looks disheveled, his usual pristine image ruined as his coat was disregarded and his antennae were bent.
"El pendejo- What the FUCK is this?!" The moth spat, arms flailing in every direction as he exasperated his words.

Vox flinched at the boisterous moth, groaning as his head continued to throb with rhythmic pulses.

"We don't know," Vox said, motioning to Velvette and himself.

Angrily Velvette snaps her head in Vox's direction "Cut the fucking shit Vox."

Offended Vox rolls his eyes at the notion. "What are you even talking about-"

"My memory isn't shit Vox, a couple of minutes ago you seemed to know what the fuck that was!" Velvette spat, she was getting annoyed.

Valentino stepped closer to them both noticeably confused "Wait- what is she talking about, Vo-"

"It's nothing, Val." Vox declared, interrupting Valentino in the process.

"Then who the fuck is 'Alastor'?" Velvette finally stated, glaring at Vox. Vox felt his whole being become overcome with anxiety, sweat started to form on the back of his neck. He knew he couldn't get out of this interrogation, but despite that fact, he stayed silent.

After the piercing silence Velvette looked away from Vox and began to stare at the ground struggling to form a sentence. A pathetic "Vee..." was all Velvette could get out, and silence followed.

Breaking the silence Vox sighed "Alastor, he was my—" everything "...friend in the mortal world." He looked over to Velvette and Valentino then quickly glared hard into the floor below.

He sighs again. "It was 1920 and I worked for MessengerTech, a media company. I worked in the journalism department and that's where I met him-" Vox gets lost in his words and starts ruminating about that day.

-  -  -  -

Almost throwing the blaring alarm clock, Vox woke with a groan and read the time, it read 6:00 am. Despite it being so early he could already hear the bustling streets of Louisiana, everyone seemed to be awake.

He begrudgingly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen in his flat. The beige floorboards creaked under his weight as he bent over to retrieve a small pot from a drawer next to the stove, he then moved to the sink to fill it with water. He lit the stove to medium heat and began to boil coffee, while it was heating up he went to the bathroom to clean up and take a shower.

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