1- in the dark when all the powers out

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Title: lyrics from "CONCRETE JUNGLE"- Bad Omens

Malina's heels clack loudly against the concrete. Another late night at the office in the hopes of a promotion.

The streets get quieter as she makes it closer and closer to her home. Her head is down, the light drizzle of rain softly patting her head , as she stares at her feet gliding forward down the street, her only thought was the anticipation of taking off the pain inducing stilettos.

What felt like a peaceful young night suddenly felt sinister. Malina's heart began to speed up as she got the sinking feeling of being watched. Her feet pick up as her stroll becomes a hurried walk.

Noah is leaned against a nearby brick wall , hidden in a shadow caused by a faulty street light. He stares intently as Malina makes her way further and further away from him. He took his time scouting the surrounding area, Malina's breathing is the only human presence that rings in his ears. Noah knew that they were alone on this street tonight, he also knew it would not be long until he was starving.

Malina grew more uneasy step by step. Her breath suddenly hitched when she looked behind her to see a tall man in the distance that was not there previously. From what she could see he was wearing a long black trench coat. His hands were in his pockets and held a relaxed demeanour. But this made Malina even more on edge.

She continued onward picking up her stride, she had hoped her anxieties were taking hold of her and the figure that loomed behind was an innocent person looking to make it home just as she was.

The monster behind her only smirked. Noah could smell her fear, hear how her heart was beating out her chest, how her breath became quick and shallow. He knew that even if she ran, ran like an Olympian she could never outrun him, now that his eyes were set on her , Malina's fate was sealed.

Malina's heart was in her throat, she swallowed and made the brave mistake of whipping her head around. He was still behind her only closer now. Before she could barely make out the figure, now with him being merely 20 feet away she could clearly make out a grin plastered across his face, his dark brown haircut slightly covering his eyes.

Her eyes grew wide as all doubts of the reality of the situation begin to fade away. She was being followed.


She was being hunted.

Her already tired feet picked up and began to sprint. Adrenaline flooded her veins , as fear took over and her flight response took hold.

She could hear a blood curdling laugh from behind her that sent a chill down her spine.

Noah was filled with anticipation, the chase was always his favourite part.

Malina's throat felt raw from the heavy breaths she had to take to keep running , her legs grew tired quickly and her footwear caused trips and stumbles. Her clumsy attempt at fleeing caused a feeling of dread to grow. Quickly glancing behind her , Noah was twice as close as before, standing still and relaxed, even though Malina had been sprinting.

'how is this possible?!' Malina thinks to herself, its almost as if he were teleporting, there was no way that whoever was behind her was human, he didn't act human, didn't move human.

Terror engulfed Malina. In a desperate final attempt to get away she haphazardly kicks her heels off, her tights soak through with the wet concrete as she continues her sprint.

Noah looks down at the tossed shoes and choked out a laugh, he had never seen this in a chase, he almost admired her determination, almost.

Malina's breaths were laboured and tearing her lungs apart, she would soon not be able to run any longer.

She peaks once more over her shoulder and is met with a broad body, within arms reach, towering over her. A gasp escapes Malina's lips.

In the blink of an eye as she whips her head back around she is met with a trench coat in her face, the figure that was behind her mere moments ago is now standing in front of her. This unexpected change caused her to run into the monster before her. With Noahs firm and broad stature she may aswell have ran into a brick wall.

She fell backward onto the wet concrete landing hard on her backside.

The shock of landing on the ground so suddenly knocks the air out of her lungs, as she heaves trying and failing to catch her breath she piers up at the presence, now before her.

His eyes are wide, shining an unnatural shade of red.  His skin was pale and cheeks hollow, a menacing grin spread across his face. There was a glint of something sinister in this smile , an especially sharp canine that stared down at Malina, causing her heart to leap.

Noah is glancing down at Malina, almost feeling sorry for her.

Like seeing a mouse caught in a trap, as it squeaks and wriggles for leeway.

She swallows a lump in her throat, "what.. are you?" she coughs out horsely. A dry laugh escapes Noah,


I know what you are. (Noah Sebastian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now