5- Is it worth the price we paid?

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Title: lyrics from "Mercy"- Bad Omens

After the screaming subsided Noah waited a moment before making his way down the basement, though his heart had not beat for over a century, as he held the door handle, he was almost sure it was beating in his throat.

He huffed out a breath and swung the door open.

Just like before, Malina was stood exactly where he had left her, only her right arm was free of the wall, the now futile chain hung from her wrist, as it gripped her chest tightly. Her left arm, seemingly forgotten still hung on the wall.

She was hunched over, her messy hair covering her face.

Noah's mouth opened to say something, but no words came out, he didn't know what he could possibly say to her to ease her situation.

Malina felt the presence enter the room she lifted her head ever so slightly so she could gaze at him through a gap in her hair covering her face.

Noah's consequences had caught up to him, he realised that now, as a singular blood red eye peaked at him through a slit of hair. He let out a sigh as a pang of guilt hit him once more.

He knew what it meant to have your life taken away from you like this, he knew the suffering of the moment, and of the eternity that followed. He had learned to not grieve his food after many years, he had learned how to be around humans without ripping heads off, in a few decades.

He will have to teach her this too, teach her to be okay with being a monster.

He knew that humans were food not friends, but Malina had untaught him this the moment he stepped into the basement, and she was calling him beyond the door, to face her.

Noah knew how selfish his actions were, he had been on the other end of this equation many years ago. Writhing in pain, in the countryside of Italy, alone in the middle of the night, no one deserved that, especially those that valued their humanity.

Noah was considered rabid during his first few weeks of existence as an immortal,  newborns weren't considered stronger than ancient vampires, but faster...hungrier. During that time, Noah claimed 27 lives.

The young vampire eventually came down from his blackout of attacking anything with a heartbeat. He stole clothes from a local village, and with his super speed, made it to Switzerland within the week. There he spent his time till the end of the war, hiding alone in the mountains, feeding on any unfortunate hiker that passed him.

He had spent the first 2 years of his new 'life' completely alone.

He swore he wouldn't do that to her, he would stick by her side and teach her all that he knew, it's the least he could do after he had taken her most valuable possession.

Malina suddenly straightens out , looking Noah in the eyes. Two crimson eyes piercing through him. Malina didn't know what was wrong with her, but she felt different. She could hear things she couldn't before, quiet footsteps upstairs, Noah's almost silent breaths.

She could see things she couldn't before, the tiny particles of dust on the on the floor, the microscopic hair's that grew on Noah's face.

Her eyes flicked around the room taking in all these new sensations. Her head snaps back towards Noah in a flash as he begins to take a step forward.

Noah is awestruck as he takes in the vampire before him, her skin smooth like porcelain, her features softer, although her hair was messy , it fell around her shoulders perfectly. Vampirism is a great look on most if not all.

He keeps advancing slowly , cautiously.

Malina watches his every move intently, she goes to take a step forward herself and is startled by the sound of crumbling concrete, her head whips behind her to realise that she had torn the chain that held her left arm, out of the wall, effortlessly.

Surprised by the weakness of the wall all of a sudden she doesn't even consider that it could be her own strength that caused the concrete to feel more like cotton.

She feels Noah's presence near and whips her head around to be face to face with him once more, his lips merely inches away from her own. At first, anticipation filled her, and if her heart beat , her pulse would have picked up right about now.

Noah grinned at the wide eyed being. But Malina's face fell when she saw a glint of something sharp in his smile, suddenly she was terrified, remembering that they had caused her such excruciating pain mere minutes ago.

Noah noticed the sudden change in her face, he went to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder but his palm only reached thin air. In less than a blink of an eye Malina was gone, as a newborn she was much faster than Noah, her flight response kicked in.

Before Malina could even register it herself, she had ran passed Noah, out of the room, up the stairs out the basement, and out the front door of the house they were in. She began running down a street she had never seen before, but she kept running, running until she was sure she had gotten away from the monster that had nearly killed her.

When she stopped she took in her surroundings, a small town, but not like hers, this one was unknown to her. The streets were empty , she was alone, she knew this now because she could hear any heart beats nearby. Malina took a deep breath to calm herself, and began to walk.

She could hear the roar of a car engine as if it were right next to her ear, startled, she ran into a nearby dark alley, and hid. The car she had heard didn't actually make it to her street until 6 minutes later. It was a taxi, stopping almost directly opposite the ally she hid in, out stepped a man with short blonde hair and flushed cheeks.

He turned back to the taxi driver and handed him several crumpled bills from his pocket, "there ya are mate." the clearly drunk man said before the taxi drove off.

Malina's crimson eyes pierced through the man's soul from across the street, suddenly his irregular breathing filled her ears, and his heartbeat rung in her head.

With each pulse of the man's heart, a deep void in Malina's stomach became deeper, becoming almost painful.

Malina experienced hunger like she had never felt before, her throat dried out, and the man's heart rang louder in her head.

The man whistled joyfully making his way to his home, unaware of the monster that flagged him down as food.

I know what you are. (Noah Sebastian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now