7- I let it tear me down, and I'll never be the same

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Title: lyrics from "The Grey"- Bad Omens

The man, if you could even call him that anymore, laid motionless five feet away from Malina, a large fleshy wound stretched from the left side of his neck all the way to his exposed, no longer beating heart. His left arm was just hanging on to the rest of his body, his eyes stuck open in horror from such a brutal death.

It was almost as if some animal had taken a chunk out of his body.

Noah had seen many things in his long lifetime, but nothing like this, this brutal.

Surrounding the body, were globs of flesh and bone.

He began to make his way towards Malina who was still void of a shirt, to his left he spotted one tossed to the floor, presumably his.

Noah slowly bent down to pick up the piece of fabric, when he turned back to Mailna, she was now staring back at him.

Her eyes were puffy and checks tear-stained, the entire lower half of her face was covered in crimson, along with both her hands.

A frown was splayed across her face.

Noah ever so calmly and slowly offered the shirt to Malina, without a second thought she snatched it and placed it over her head to cover herself.

It was a plain grey shirt, but it was covered in scarlet smudges from Malina's bloody hands, and the neckline was stretched out so much from her tugging, the shirt hung off her shoulder, exposing a single bra strap.

Silently Noah reached into his pocket, and pulled out a tiny key that rested on the palm of his hand, showing it to Malina.

Confusion furrowed on her brows as she peered at the key. Noah took a step forward, but Malina shot to her feet at the movement.

Noah sighed heavily as he realised that she was still afraid of him, confused and horrified also no doubt, "for the chains" he added, motioning towards her wrists, that still bore cuffs with chains dangling from them.

Once again faster than even Noah could follow, Malina had taken the key out of his hand and undone the locks on both her wrists, two chains falling to the floor simultaneously.

The key had returned to Noah's palm and Malina retreated back to her brick wall, five feet away from him.

"look you need to come back to the house." Noah stated, trying to get her indoors before the death ray rose in the sky. Malina's eyes widened in fear as she thought of the basement, Noah quickly took hold of her wrist before she could flee, noticing the change in her expression.

Malina is shocked by the sudden contact, "you'll be safe there, we'll take care of you, just come back with me." Noah's matching coloured eyes looked into hers.

Malina wanted to believe him but over the last few hours her life had been completely flipped upside down. She was traumatised, and scared, and the only thing she knew to do when scared was...

Noah's hand no longer gripped anything when Malina slipped out of his grasp and ran. A frustrated growl escaped him, they did not have time for this, dusk was too fast approaching , Noah sprinted after her with everything he had in him, 'why do newborns need to be so damn fast' he huffed under his breath.

Noah was able to almost keep up with her, as they ran down the street, just 20 feet away from her, suddenly this situation felt very reminiscent...this chase.

Though, to Noah the previous chase was much slower, and much less higher stakes.

He actually cared for Malina, cared enough to want to save her, to want to live with her, existence was empty and repetitive till her.

"please!" Noah called out from behind her as he began to tire, "I don't want you to die!".

Malina stopped dead in her tracks, causing Noah to almost run into her.

"What do you mean?" she mutters, not turning around to face him, Noah has just realised that she stopped, "honestly, it means a lot.." he huffs out, looking up at the ever lightening horizon, "but for now it means, your a vampire, the sun is rising, and if you don't make it indoors soon-"

"I'll b-burn?" she whipped around to face him as she cut him off. Her eyes were wide and worried, Noah only nodded.

He gripped her by the wrist once more and they both began to sprint at extraordinary speed.

The house was just in their sights when light started to spread across the road, Malina began to scream as the light it her right arm. Without slowing down, Noah threw his coat over her and ushered her forward.

They burst through the front door of the house in a loud crash, nearly taking the front door off the hinges. Malina fell to her knees begining to sob, Noah shut the door behind him ready to tend to her.

He slowly lifted the coat off of her arm to reveal sweltering red blisters that ran from her shoulder to her elbow. The fresh burn was still steaming when the commotion of their entrance caused jolly and Nicholas to enter the foyer in a panic.

Malina's sobs racked her body from the burning pain and the guilt of the horrid things she had done to an innocent man.

Nicholas seemed to silently freak out, none of them seen a burn that bad before. Jolly just seemed relieved that she had made it back alive, though he tried to hide it.

"Get Nick." Noah said as calmly as he could muster, though panic laced his voice.

The two vampires stood their in shock, unmoving,

"Now!" Noah relayed, looking Nicholas in the eye. Taking the hint, Nicholas turned into a blur as he rushed to get the 'witch'.

Noah placed a hand on Malina's back, rubbing slow circles to try and comfort her and she continued her devastated cries.

"shhh, it's okay, we can treat it, you be okay." Noah spoke softly, this only caused a louder sob to escape her, "I'm.. I'm a murderer.." She spewed out in between cries.

Noah sighed realising that the burn was the last thing on her mind currently, "hey, it's okay, I know you didn't mean to."

Nick entered the room, unable to hide his horror in witnessing the girl on the floor , covered in blood , scarlet eyes glossed over with tears, in ripped and tattered clothes.

Malina made eye contact with Nick, her heart broke a little more with the way he looked at her, she looked to the floor, having no more tears left, defeated.

She mustered out a weak, "no.... I'm a Monster."

I know what you are. (Noah Sebastian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now