2- Now you have nowhere to run

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Title: lyrics from "Nowhere To Go"- Bad Omens.

Malina's eyes fluttered open.

Her head is pounding and she feels as though she had been hit by a truck, every joint ached, every bone pained.

She takes a moment to take in her surroundings, the room around her was almost completely bare, four concrete walls and concrete floor. There was a sturdy wooden door before her and a set of chains embedded in the wall to her right.

There was a foul stench in the room that caused her face to contort.

A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling, lighting up the room in a sinister red.

Malina knew not of where she was, or how'd she had gotten here, but she knew she had to get out.

She began making her way towards the door only to be pulled back. Confused, she peered behind her and her eyes fell on a set of chains that held her wrists. She finally took a moment to take in her predicament.

Her hands were chained to the wall above her head, so high up on the wall, her feet were barely on the ground, the tips of her toes kept her up.

The chains were short and wide set, Malina's body was stood in the shape of the letter Y.

Looking down at her feet she was still in her office attire, her black tights now ripped in multiple places running up her legs. Her skirt, though it was hard to tell in the scarlet lighting, was dirty. And her turtle neck was ripped at the bottom.

She desperately tugged at the chains to no avail. In a situation like this, one may feel scared, start to panic. But Malina knew she was caught and her fear had come and gone on the street where she was taken.

She felt angry, with herself.

She shouldn't have let her boss walk all over her, dropping files and work by her desk last minute causing late nights at the office, all for some silly promotion that now seemed futile. A dry laugh escapes her lips as she thinks of her stupidity.

She blames herself, she should've made smarter choices that wouldn't have put her at risk of a situation like this.

But then her anger transforms into rage. Thinking about the thing that had taken her, scared her, hunted her.

Why her? Because although she had been naive, she was in line for that promotion. She had a brighter future in her sights, she had worked hard and was ready for her reward, but he had taken that from her.

She angrily flails at the chains, letting a frustrated scream escape her lips.

"come here you motherfucker!" she yelled at the door, "come here and face me you bastard!"

She wasn't afraid of him anymore, that time had passed. Now she only had the desire to punch him in his smug grin, that may be difficult due to her chains, so spitting in his face would have to do.

But even worse was the deafening silence of the room, the suffocating four walls that surrounded her caused distress.

Suddenly the door swings open, and the called for 'bastard' appears.

Malina's thrashing settles as her eyes land on him. He was wearing a skin tight turtle neck, tailored trousers and boots. He looked put together and you'd think he were an important business man, its here were Malina notices ink peaking out of the top of his neck and how his hands and fingers matched.

She could only assume that he was fully covered with tattoos.

Noah was intrigued by Malina's reaction, his face proved this, over the many years of souls being in this room, dinner had never been so outspoken.

Or stupid.

He slowly stalks closer to to the chained girl, never breaking eye contact.

She glared right back almost as if she was saying, 'try me'.

He keeps a distance of arms reach, he begins to slowly roll up his sleeves, and smirks as he asks, "so whats your name then beautiful?"

Malina scoffs, tugging at the chains that bound her, "whats it to you" she spits with venom in her tone.

Noah's smile doesn't waver, "I dunno, I'd like to have the pleasure of knowing who I have in my company."

She glares back at him through her eyebrows, unwilling to give him the satisfaction.

Noah sighs lightly as he takes a step forward, "Well, my name is Noah, as I'm sure you'd like to know"

Malina lets a dry laugh escape her, "oh yeah? And why is that?"

Noah leans down to be at eye level with the girl, "just thought you'd like to know the name of the last person you'll ever see." His unsettling smile resting on his face after the spoken sentence.

"person?" Malina repeats mockingly "you are far from it."

"Is that so? Tell me, what am I then?" Noah takes a step forward resting both hands against wall hovering over the girl. His blood red eyes staring deep into her soul, as to give her a clue.

"A demon."

Noah breaks the eye contact to let out a crude laugh, but as he is distracted, Malina takes the opportunity to raise her knee swiftly, aiming to strike a certain sensitive part in between the pair of legs before her.

Her knee connects with something firm, faster than the blink of an eye Noah's hand retracts from the wall and intercepts the blow, Malina is stunned by the sudden movement but also by the firm grip now on her thigh.

Noah's laugh had also stopped abruptly and he was now staring sternly at the girl, he slowly moves his face towards her ear, making sure to keep a tight hold of her leg.

"Play nice or I'll chain up those pretty legs of yours too." he threatens , right up against her ear, a shiver is sent down Malina's spine.

As he returns to look her in the eyes, the girls death glare is unwavering. In an attempt to get him away from her she jerks her arms forward, rattling the chains.

A move that would make any person flinch, but the thing before her was no person, it was made evident by his unfazed, unblinking stare.

A smile appeared on his face once more, ' I like this one' he thinks to himself.

Its now when Malina takes note of the position that they're in, her arms above her head, knee raised, and held by the figure before her one arm leaned on the wall next to her head, their face's inches away from one another, staring deeply into one another's eyes.

The air was thick with tension,

and anticipation.

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