3- The way you bend, the way you break

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Title: lyrics from "THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND"- Bad Omens

Noah stared into Malina's innocent eyes, they were mixed with streaks of green and brown, so human.

It had been many years since Noah's eyes shined as such, his eyes now stained blood red with his affliction. Though he vowed to never forget their once colour, a chestnut brown that many would admire.

Malina wasn't like others that had been in this room before her, he knew that much, and he wished things could be different.

He wished he could have met her back when he was young and hopeful, back when they were the same species.

The the charming Private Sebastian , fresh off of training, unknowingly saying his final goodbyes to his loved ones before being deployed in Italy to aid the allies in fending off Mussolini's fascists.

Unfortunately, Whilst crossing the Volturno river, Noah and his squad were ambushed. In the confusion Noah ended up overboard, the weight of his boots dragged him down and the current took him.

When he woke, he was on the bank of the river, it was now dark, he could barely make out a tree line before him. He didn't know where his squad was or if they were even alive. For the first time since deployment, Noah was scared, Terrified.

He was completely alone in an unknown country, in an unknown area, where no one spoke his language. His uniform was soaked through, it was humid and a lot warmer than he was used to in Virginia, even if it was night.

The Mediterranean climate caused his skin to dew with sweat as he made his way through the trees, he had no idea what to do next, but he had to keep moving.

Eventually he finds himself on a small gravel road, dazed, scared and alone, he decides he has no choice but to follow the road.

His nostrils fill with the stench of gasoline, and the loud roar of an engine, from the dark emerges a car, one Noah had never seen before, an Italian modal not yet in the US.

The car stops in front of him, the instinct to reach for his fire arm kick in, but Noah is quickly disappointed when he realises it was lost to the Volturno river.

He could barely make out what the figure looked like in the darkness, he seemed tan with dark hair that was almost touching his shoulders.

Noah was inspected by the mystery , and eyes landed on his uniform, "Americano?"

An accented voice spoke, Noah nods.

The figure suddenly smiles wide like the Cheshire cat, a glint of something sinister in his grin.

The rest is history.

No matter how much Noah could wish that Malina had met him then, the situation currently was very different. And no matter how much Noah wished they could start over he could not deny the dryness in his throat, the emptiness in his gut and the sound of Malina's heart ringing in his ears.

She had been out for longer than anticipated and Noah was starving.

Noah was especially good at controlling his blood thirst, but after so long of going hungry and a beating heart being so close , he was too far gone, and there was nothing he or Malina could do to stop what will happen next.

Malina swallows thickly as she sees something change in Noah's eyes, his pupils shrink as his gazes drifts towards her neck.

His free hand moves to the top of her turtle neck, gripping the fabric firmly. He swiftly tugs at the fabric tearing the top in two. The sudden movement earns a gasp from Malina, she is now feeling very exposed , her black lace bra in full view, the scraps of fabric that were once her top hang from her arms.

Her pale exposed skin stark contrast in comparison to her dark clothing.

Noah's chest rises and falls quickly, his eyes wide. It is here where Malina realises what that look means, now, realising her fate, she is terrified.

Noah's finger traces her skin, dreadingly slow, starting at her shoulder, lazily moving towards her collar bone, ending at her neck. As if to map out her softest spots.

A shaky breath escapes Malina's lips, and Noah's head dips down.

A sharp tooth scraps against the nape of her neck, a faint, barely audible whimper escapes her, fearing whats to come.

Noah's mouth closes over her neck and bites down, sharp canines break skin, Malina wanted to scream as hot fiery pain spreads across her skin, but the shock had her breath taken away.

Noah takes deep drinks to quench the thirst eating away at his insides, the only thing going through his mind is that with every gulp of insatiable hot blood , he feels more alive.

Malina grips at the chains desperately, shifting under Noah in panic.

With every gulp from Noah, Malina's pain begins to subside, she begins to feel lightheaded with blood loss. She slowly starts to accept her fate, ready for her wasteful life to flash before her eyes as she dies.

But as the fiery pain fades away it is quickly replaced with something else, something that feels strangely... good.

The area covered by Noah's mouth begins to feel warm and tingly, this feeling spreads throughout her body. Suddenly her toes begin to curl and her legs squirm, squeezing her thighs together desperately. Her back arches off of the wall and begins to press into Noah's chest, an inhuman sound escapes him, like that of a wolf when you try to take its food. The girls breath hitched, became quicker, shallower.

Malina's eyes flutter closed, dropping her head back, all thoughts of her soon approaching death escape her, distracted by how Noah was making her feel, how somewhere below her stomach felt different to anything she'd ever felt before.

Overstimulated and overwhelmed Malina is unable to stop a soft moan escaping her lips.

This causes Noah to snap out of his feeding induced trance. His eyes shoot open as he moves off of the girl. They make eye contact, both breathing heavily after the shared intense moment. Noah suddenly feels guilty, he no longer wants Malina to be his food, he wants to set her free, get to know her , there was a naive hope in him that they could still start over.

But it's too late, he cannot let her leave now.

No one has ever lived after a vampire bite, they were either drained of their blood, or destained to a fate far worse.

But something in Noah snapped, staring into her pretty eyes , her pupils dilated, mouth slightly agape. This is when he decided that he refused to let her go, no matter what it may cost.

Malina had no idea what horrors awaited her next.

I know what you are. (Noah Sebastian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now