4- So much unsaid, left me for dead.

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Title: lyrics from "Limits"- Bad Omens

Malina tried to process what had just happened, how she had stared death in the face and is still alive, but also how it made her feel.

She felt something warm running down her chest, peering down she notices a singular crimson blood drop, running down from one of the two puncture wounds in her neck.

Noah's eyes follow the drop intently, but before it can reach her bra, he places his thumb over it, dragging it up back towards her wound, to wipe it.

The touch after the previous events, caused Malina's heart to pick up, Noah hears this ring in his ears as he suddenly gets a devious idea.

He places his fingers under her chin to tilt her head to face him once more, their eyes lock, the air thick with tension. He slowly eases his blood covered thumb in between her lips. This was not expected and as the crimson coats Malina's lips, something in her awakens and she opens to let in him.

Noah's lip curved upward as she began to suck his finger, staring him deeply in the eyes. The iron taste in her mouth was strange but was the last thing on her mind, as it began to fill with the unholiest of thoughts.

As Noah retracts his thumb from her mouth he drags down her bottom lip, the same unholy thoughts plaguing his mind.

Just as he was about to act on those said thoughts, a muffle comes from the door behind them.

They both are brought back to earth as their heads snap towards the door, another muffle coming from it once more, "Noah?".

A frustrated grunt escapes him as he pulls away from Malina, she can barely make out a scolding from under his breath "Jolly."

He turns his back to her and begins making his way towards the door, he stops just before the door, remembering the fate he had doomed her to, guilt begins to plague him, now especially that he is leaving her to suffer.

"Noah are you okay in there?" come from the door once more, he sighed heavily placing his hand on the door knob.

He turned to Malina once more, taking her in, she stood there chained to the wall, smudged blood around the wound in her neck, her tights ripped and lace bra on full display, what was once her top now hung loosely around her arms. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair unkempt, mouth slightly agape as a slight trace of blood coated her bottom lip.

" I'm sorry." he said sombrely, as he turned the knob and swiftly exited the room.

" Dude what took you so long?" Jolly questions as Noah stands before him, his set of red eyes matching Noah's. The vampire's eyes fall to the floor, making his way towards the stairs to exit the basement, Jolly following behind.

"I was starting to think you starved to death before you could make it to food." Jolly adds jokingly with a dry laugh.

Noah keeps his head down as he makes his way to the top of the stairs.

Noah's silence is telling to jolly, instantly sensing somethings off.

Jolly places a hand on the fellow vampire's shoulder, "Noah?"

He keeps his head down in shame unable to look Jolly in the eye, guilt eating away at his insides, "I couldn't do it man." he finally mutters out.

Jolly flips his long hair out of his face as he tries to process what Noah had just said, "you didn't eat? Dude, how? Your starving you need to..." He trails off as he notices the smudge of crimson around Noah's mouth, indicating that he in fact had eaten. Confusion furrowed Jolly's brow as he tried to figure out what he had meant by his mysterious statement.

Something clicks in his mind suddenly, his eyes go wide as he realises what Noah had done, he was ready to speed down the stairs when a firm hand on his chest stopped him.

"No, Jolly." Noah swallows thickly, "I don't know why.. But i can't let her go.. I want this."

Jolly peers down to the palm firm against his chest and takes a second to think about what was just said , calming ever so slightly, "Did... Did she want it?"

Another pang of guilt hit Noah, his head hung low once more in shame, Jolly started panicking again, "Noah." he states firmly, as calm as he could possibly muster, "Did she want this?"

"I.. I don't know." he mutters sheepishly.

Before Jolly could even begin to sprint down the stairs again, a blood curdling scream came from the basement, indicating that it was already too late.

Jolly scoffs in disbelief, and began to walk away from Noah, "this will be your mess to clean up." he states coldly, exiting the room.

Noah could feel the coldness in the response radiate towards him, but after all whats done is done, there's no going back now.

When Noah exited through the heavy wooden door, the room suddenly felt cold, Malina instantly missed the presence.

She let out a breath she didn't know she holding, she felt light headed once more.

Something felt off, wrong. She peered down and looked at her exposed chest, she saw that surrounding veins, arteries and capillaries around her bite were now visible through her skin shining a menacing black.

The black blood vessels webbed across her skin, slowly beginning to spread, Malina began to hyperventilate as this unknown ailment began to move.

Her breaths became short and shallow as fear overtook once more, she noticed that she began to sweat profusely and shiver at the same time, from the overwhelming cold that now filled the room it seemed.

The black tendrils that shone through her skin were inching closer and closer to Malina's frantically beating heart.

Her chest began to feel tight watching the darkness overcome her body.

As soon as a black vein reached her heart , overwhelming pain shot through her whole body, unlike anything she had felt before. As if the worlds tightest rubber band covered in razor blades squeezed on her heart. She let out a deafening scream as the pain persisted.

The overwhelming urge to clutch her heart took over, she tugged at her right arm that was firmly chained to the wall, Adrenaline coursing through her, along with the unbearable pain.

She was screaming incoherently when some how , an inhuman strength overcame her as her right arm tore from the wall, she wasted no time in gripping her chest just over her heart, digging her nails in hoping for some sort of relief.

This seemed to help subside the pain ever so slightly, she hunched over and heaved attempting to catch her breath.

Slowly but surely the pain had gone, and Malina swallowed dryly, thankful that it had passed, if only she knew.. This was just the beginning.

I know what you are. (Noah Sebastian fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now